Longarm Quilting Services

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Last Chance for 2011 trip to Seabrook Island, S. C.

Saturday August 27, 2011:

Final posting on Beach Trip. I have 2 rooms available for you to join the 'Frayed Knots' on Seabrook Island, South Carolina. If no registrations are received I will cancel these rooms the afternoon of August 31, 2011. E-mail me for registration form. Information available by clicking Beach trip tab at the top of this page.


Friday, August 26, 2011


Registration is now open for Spring Fling Quilt Camp 2012

Information is available here: http://oneloosethread.blogspot.com/p/quilt-retreats.html
Or by clicking on the Quilt Camp tab at the top of this page.

Registration forms are here:
Or by clicking on the forms tab at the top of this page.

Hope to hear from you very soon!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Summer Fun 2-2011

One Loose Thread and a group of Frayed Knots spent last weekend at Camp Gravatt. It was Summer Fun 2 and we all sewed together for a change. This was the first time in many years that this had happened. We were in the Chapel at Gravatt due to other construction so some adjustments had to be made.

The weather was August in South Carolina Hot!!!! We can certainly be thankful for air conditioning. The Chapel was a perfect 72 degrees all weekend.

We even had special, world famous, guests. Can you spot them?

I have put a smile box together of all of the pictures that Pat and I took. Jodi has some others, but, I haven't gotten those yet. Hope you enjoy these:

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I always forget how much time it takes to get everything together for Quilt Camp. It does involve more than making a reservation. We have made 2 site visits to Gravatt within the last 2 weeks. Why? you ask. Especially since we have been going there for years. Well, this time we are sewing in a different location. All of the 'Frayed Knots' will be sewing in the Chapel.
As you may remember, we have not done that since the very first year of the Gravatt retreats. This is the space that we will be using. As usual I have rented nice 6 foot tables for our sewing pleasure. so, these round tables will not be anywhere to be seen.

We will also have 3 dedicated cutting stations with raised tables to make cutting much easier on the back.

There will be 5 ironing stations with full size ironing boards and irons for everyone to use. These will be all around the room for easy access to everyone.

You should notice all of the windows around the room to let in lots of natural light during the day. Night time light will be supplied by each camper bringing at least one or two lights for their use. One Loose Thread provides the electrical reels that will extend to each sewing area. Each camper will 'feed' off of that reel with their power strip for machine and lighting.

Several people are bringing portable design walls to share so designing will be made easier for everyone. So, with all of that taken care of I could turn to the rest of the preparation.

Oh yes------FOOD------Tammy and I have been in discussion about FOOD--as we all know, that is a very important component of any retreat. She assures me, that we will have everything that we love. So, bring your appetite and leave your diet at home. South Carolina grown vegetables and fruits are on the menu, along with chicken, fried of course and fish. Other wonderful tidbits to entice our taste buds are on the menu for the weekend.

Printing to be done: Name tags, medical forms, evaluation forms, photo releases, My list, the list of stuff for the business, agenda's for each day, and other things.

I spent the afternoon getting the stuff together for the 'Welcome gift'. I collect 'stuff' all the time for this little goodie. I have soooooo much fun doing this.

Then, we have to get ready for our special Saturday night dinner. You have seen pictures of that on the blog before. We have real table cloths, candles, wine and a special menu. I always have a theme for the weekend and it all comes together on our last night at camp.

So many little details to make our weekend memorable. This is a great time and I look forward to each and every event. Actually, I am already planning for November at the beach, our 10th anniversary in February and maybe, just maybe, a retreat in the spring, we'll see.

This group of women, 'The Frayed Knots', are so special to me that they make all of this mean so much. This event will welcome 3 new 'Frayed Knots' to the group. I love it when someone new comes to one of my retreats. They are made to feel so welcome by everyone that it only take a few hours for them to feel as though they really are one of the group. So, the group of 'Frayed Knots' is growing. For that I am very grateful. The old saying "The more the merrier", well, that is really true with this group.

Feel the need to sew, have some fun, and make some life-long friendships? Come join us. Being a 'Frayed Knot' is very special.

This will be my last post until sometime next week. Please stay well and safe.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Rippit, Rippit, Rippit

Remember this quilt?
Well, after looking at it for a few weeks and thinking about some of the problems that I had with it, I have decided to take all of the quilting out. Why? I'll show you.

These areas are numerous on the back of this quilt. There are other issues on the front where the stitches have skipped or broken. This has haunted me ever since I took this off of the frame. I have even stitched the binding on one side and half way stitched it down on the other. Well, this morning I decided that I just could not turn this over to a client in this condition. I am taking it all apart. That means removing the binding and all of the quilting. This will take hours and hours, but, when I put it back on the frame and the stitching is perfect I will feel much better.

So Sandy, you won't be getting this one next week. Sorry. I should have known it would bother me. However, when you do get it--------it will be perfect.

Just goes to show that you should go with you 'gut' feeling most of the time. I have wasted 2 weeks worrying about this and could have spent that time just taking it apart.

Back to the seam ripper.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Quilt Finshed

Completed this little quilt for a client. She completed the top and decided that she need someone to quilt it for her, so I did it. For someone's first quilt I have to tell you that the seam allowance was perfect. The top was perfectly square. Working on this was fun.

Now, it's time to start getting everything ready for Summer Fun Quilt Camp. You can tell from the 'stuff' under the frame that it's time for camp. I am going to start by cutting 2 or 3 kits to take with me to work on. Once that is finished, I think that I will load a top on so that Olivia and I can stitch on that on Monday. In between doing that and having a birthday party here on Sunday afternoon I will start to go through and get everything together for camp. Oh yes, I did forget one thing. I will be watching GLEE in 3-D this afternoon. Piper tells me that I can't miss that!!


Sunday, August 7, 2011

What a Week

We started our week with a birthday party last Sunday. My daughter turned 40. I am really not sure how that happened and I don't know where the time has gone, but she really is 40 years old. Rather nice young woman too. She is a practicing Dental Hygienist and a Mom to a wonderful little girl that will also be having a birthday soon.

Monday night was the Devine Guild Meeting. Our meeting did involve food, so I took a tomato pie. Not a crumb remained when it was time to go home. The food was fantastic as usual. Our program for the evening involved 3 demos. Kim and Geri did a great one on their applique techniques. Those 2 are doing some beautiful applique. Roada of course inspected it all.

Mary showed us how to piece and chop up a 9 patch and Lynn demonstrated how to inset circles. Good demos. Good meeting.

As usual Roada was welcomed by all who attended. She seems to draw a lot of attention.

Two clients picked up their projects this week and were pleased with the results. Somehow, I stayed busy and actually completed a top for another client. This is a Auburn quilt for the sister of a friend. He is a staunch Alabama fan, so, paying for this Auburn quilt will really hurt his feelings.

Mr. OLT also had a birthday this week. It was either Wed, Thurs, or Fri. we are not really sure which day. I think I know, but he says that he has legally changed the date so that it won't interfere with the President's celebration.

Friday was nail day and Roada went with me. You can read more about that later on her blog. I have not had time to load those pictures yet.

Saturday was spent trying to re-adjust the tension on Olivia. After months of perfect stitches, she stumped her toe and now her stitches look like __________  terrible. I also spent Sunday (today) doing the same thing. I put a practice piece on the frame and worked with her all day. One minute everything was wonderful the next minute it wasn't. I have an email into Pat and Richard for a 'house call'. They want me to bring Olivia to them and I just don't have time to do that with Summer Fun Quilt Camp coming up. Hopefully we can work out a time that Richard can come to Columbia. Anyone else need some service on their Gammill machine?? Maybe he could make a day of service calls around Columbia.

We are down to 10 days until Summer Fun 2. I really need to get started on everything that needs to be done for that. I will have to spend some time out in the shop taking inventory and making sure everything is in working order. There are somethings that I won't need to take this time since we will all be sewing in a new location (at least I think that we will). However, there are somethings that will have to be added for the same reason. I am really looking forward to the chance for all of us to be together in one room. It will be loads of fun. I will be at Gravatt on Wednesday to make sure that this is going to work and I'll post to the blog and facebook regarding the outcome.

OK, that's enough for now. Signing off and going nite nite.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Gravatt Construction

Mr. OLT was at Gravatt Conference Center this morning. He was there to take measurements of the Chapel so that we can 'map out' the space for Summer Fun 2. While he was there he took 2 pictures of the Cole Expansion. Unfortunately it won't be complete for at least 6 more weeks. We can use it in February, but, not in August.

Thought you might like to see how it's going:

You can tell which side we are on. I don't see any windows framed into the side of the building. I haven't talked to Mr. OLT about the space so I don't know if they are framed for other spaces.

This picture makes the space look huge!!!!!! One good thing is that we will see it 'almost' completed while we are on the property for Summer Fun 2.

I also have some pictures of the Chapel building. Mr. OLT is working up a drawing to scale so that we can determine how to set things up.  I'll post some of those pictures of that area later.

In the meantime, I have started a new project and I hope to have it completed before we go for Summer Fun 2. That way I will actually have something for 'Show and Tell'.

More soon,

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Sandy's Mystery

Just finished quilting Sandy's Mystery from February 2011. I did have some issues with the thread choice, but, fought though it. I really wanted this color thread. This pantograph is one that I really like. It is high density, but, oh so pretty.

Here are a few pictures:

Now on to the binding. She will be at Summer Fun 2 in 14 days, so she will be able to see it 'live'.

Off to stitch,

Monday, August 1, 2011

Hot off the Frame

Darling baby quilt. First quilt for the quilter and look at those prairie points!!!!!! Perfect and lined!!!!
Dawn had already 'finished' this quilt by the time that I got it. Her husband (smart guy) thought that it needed more quilting. So, Dawn contacted me to see if we could get this done before her delivery date within two weeks. Sure.
I did a heart in the print blocks to tie them down and just a little scollop around the white blocks so that I would not interfere with the embroidery.

I know that it is hard to see the quilting. I used Superior's Lava in Garnet and Black (just happen to keep that in stock). This really is a cute quilt and I really enjoyed working on it.
See ya later,