This one on the far right is a picture of the finished quilting. Now, with each quilt I learn something.
What did I learn on this quilt?
1. Never put the quilt on the frame until you have decided on at least 75% of the quilting designs that you will use...........otherwise, you spend hours, days, WEEKS trying to make those decisions.
Mary brought this quilt to me in AUGUST!!! AUGUST!!! (yes, it was this year). We decided on what we wanted to quilt in the gifts. We decided on what to use for the outside border. So, I zipped it on the frame basted the whole quilt in and just KNEW that this was going to go 'lickety split' ( that's really fast for those of you that don't speak Southern). Wellllllllll, I started with the border because I knew what we wanted in that area. I set it up and stitched the whole side border and two corners. The tension was perfect! I looked at the finished product and decided it should have been stitched 1/2" lower so that the bottom of the gifts would stitch in the ditch............out comes the seam ripper for stitch removal. I know better than to NOT listen to that little voice in my brain that tells me to stop after 6 inches of quilting.
While I am un-stitching, I can at least take some time and go ahead with the gifts. After all everything has been ditch stitched and is stable. So, I set the designs in the first two gifts and 'LET'S GO TO IT'!!' I stitched those out and wonder of wonders, turned the quilt over and I HATE the way that the tension is working on the bottom. OK, more work for the seam ripper.
By now, it must be at least October. Remember, Mary brought this to me in AUGUST!
OK, fast forward to Halloween..........the border has been un-quilted, the gifts have been un-quilted. I have all of the gifts now stitched with their special designs and now it's time for the sashings and spaces between the gifts.....but, no, the borders have not been requilted. It's time for quilt camp, so, we need to stop for that.
So, we get back to work after camp and it's time for the sashings and borders..........I decided to stitch the borders first (after all, I know what I want there). This time everything works BEAUTIFULLY!!! (I love my Statler!)
Fabulous! now I'm really on a roll. Let's get this finished before Thanksgiving. So, this is where everything stops.........again. I have no idea as to what I wanted to stitch in the sashings and around the ribbons. Thought about this for several days. Shopped all of the designers for ideas. Tried to dream about the solution.........wasn't happening. Anyhow, I finally came up with what I thought would work. Stitched it out and I was pleased, so then worked on finishing the quilt.
Well, guess what!! It's done!! Mary will soon be binding this beautiful quilt and have it on her bed for when Santa delivers his gifts.
Now, that was one thing I learned. What else might I have gleaned from this experience.
2. Thank goodness my custom clients are very patient and understand that I am not stitching anything on their quilts that doesn't 'feel' right to me. I love everyone of them.
3. My clients understand that my custom work is VERY SLOW............Thank you.
4. To that end, I will only be accepting 2 quilts a month for custom work. They could be hand guided, Statler assisted, or both, but I will only accept 2 per month. That said, my custom schedule is currently scheduled out to March of 2019. There is one quilt that is scheduled in for January 2019 that I do not currently have 'in house'. If it appears that it will not arrive, then everyone moves up in the schedule.
Custom quilting is something that I enjoy, but, it is also the most stressful, so, I am having to set some limits. I'm sure everyone can understand and we will all adjust to this new scheduling.
NOW AS FAR AS EDGE TO EDGE--------bring it on. I can usually have that back to you within 2 weeks..sometime sooner. This schedule is independent of my custom schedule, so, it moves faster.
Registration for February Quilt Camp will start the first week of December. Time to start thinking about the beginning of a new year as we finish up this one.
Now, here we are, the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Tomorrow I will load Penelope Statler and begin working on all of the edge 2 edge quilts that have been waiting for me to finish the Gifts. The weekend has been full for food, family, and football (GO TIGERRRRS). Time to settle in, decorate and enjoy the season. I have a few extra special quilts to complete before Christmas morning, but, that will happen. Life is great and I am enjoying the process. Hope you are too.