Sunday, November 11, 2018


It's Sunday morning and I returned from Quilt Camp on Friday. Everything is packed away. Now it is time to reflect on our 4 days at Gravatt Camp and Confrence Center. It is time to make some decisions on how I do things for retreats, when retreats are scheduled, and what type of retreats I am hosting. I do this at the end of every year. I sit and reflect, make lists, make decisions. I do this for my business and for my life.

One of the first things I need to do is to thank each and every 'Frayed Knot' that attended the One Loose Thread Retreats this year and every year prior for the last 10+ years. Without you this endeavor could not happen.

 I also need to say a gracious thank you to all of my longarm clients for trusting me with their 'children' and allowing me to finish them. When I look back at the quilts that I have worked on this year, your talent humbles me. You have also allowed me to work with quilts that I might love to make, but, would never take the time to do so. However, working with yours.....I can almost say that I have.

This November retreat ( as all others) was an eventful time. The 'show and tell' was amazing as usual. The wide variety of projects showed the depth of interest and experience of the quilters. The sharing of ideas and knowledge was fabulous as usual. Unfortunately, we did have an event that made all of us realize how fragile our time together is.

Sue is doing fine and is home from the hospital now. We had a visit from EMS with red lights and sirens. However, this brought to my attention a few additional emergency procedures that I need to have in place. Among our group is always at least 1 nurse and this time was not different, except we had 3. Unfortunately one was the patient, but, thank you to Wilma and Judy for your fast response to the emergency. Once a nurse............always a nurse.

I have scheduled 4 retreats for next year along with the trip to Sisters, Oregon for the quilt show. Our dates are:

                             February 14-17, 2019-----this is a UFO retreat
                             April 25-28, 2019-----this is a UFO retreat
                             July 8-16, 2019---------Trip and tour with Country Heritage to Sisters, Oregon
                             August 7-11,2019----------this is a UFO retreat
                             November 12-15, 2019-----------this is a UFO retreat

So, no classes this year, as of this writing. You never know, that may change if I get requests for some special technique, quilt, or project.

Registration for our February dates will begin right after Thanksgiving. So, if that is what you would like to be given for Christmas......tell your family to contact me or they can just give you a check for partial or full payment.

There is still some space available for the Sisters trip. All you need to do is contact Country Heritage Tours to register and you can tell them that you want to be part of the 'One Loose Thread' Group. They will reserve your space with all of us that are going.

That's it for now. I will be in the studio from now until Christmas. There are a few spaces available for Christmas quilting and I will have Penelope Statler running until December 21st. So if you have some last minute tops that you need to be done, just call and we'll see what we can work out. The edge 2 edge 'que' always runs faster than the custom que. Custom quilting is currently scheduled out to late March-early April, 2019 so if you want something special, you need to reserve time on that list. If I have the piece 'in house' I may get to it sooner.

Thanks again for all of your support of my business and for me personally.
Now, Let's go Sew!!!

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