Sunday, September 19, 2010

Me and My Gammill

Client Quilt

Client Quilt

These are the cute little quilts that I have been working on this weekend. I have tried some new pantographs and some different ways of loading the frame, so it really has been a learning experience. However, I do want everyone to know that I LOVE MY GAMMILL!!!! This girl (I know she is a female Gammill) has worked flawlessly all weekend. Not one bad stitch has she taken. She is absolutely AWESOME!!!!!!! However, she still does not have a name. One will come to me I'm sure

Client Quilt

                                                                         You see that stack of 'stuff' on top of my cutting mat? It is yards and yards of 'hanging sleeve'. I have obtained racks for the Gravatt quilts, the ones for the auction at the 'Under The Tent' event. The problem is, that most of these quilts don't have sleeves on them, sooooooooo, I am going to apply sleeves.  NOTE TO SELF: When you donate a quilt or wall hanging to someone to auction--put a sleeve on it so that it can be properly displayed.  My major concern when we give pieces to these groups is that they will be shown laying on a table and look like a placemat. That is the reason that I am trying to get involved with the display of the quilts.  I will also be helping with Harvest Hope Food Banks'  'Empty Bowls' event------even though I won't get to go. That is the weekend of QSC's Fall Retreat and I will be at White Oak.

That's my report for now. I do have this quilt on my design wall. Need to get the borders on it so that it can get in line to go on the frame. I do have a few other personal quilts to work on in line before this one.
Stay tuned: Registration will open this week for One Loose Thread's 'SPRING FLING' in February 2011. Keep checking as this information will be posted on the retreat page.

Hope everyone has a good week. Stay safe and LET'S GO SEW!!!!!!!!

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