Longarm Quilting Services

Sunday, July 25, 2010

My Gammill and the Quilt

This is a top I worked on this weekend.Love the way that it turned out. The quilting is actually done with a lime green thread that matches the back. However, the thread is very thin and you have to be up close to notice what color it is. The batting is Quilters Dream 70/30 and it quilts beautifully. I really love Quilters Dream battings they are all top quality.
This is a view of the quilt coming off of the machine. Look at the top take up bar and you can see the bright, bright green backing. That is the thread color on the quilting.

This was a really great quilt to work with. Good workmanship and 'plenty of backing'.

South Carolina has been really hot this past week, just like the rest of the country. The heat index here today is 107 and let me tell you it feels like it too.

Tori's leg continues to heal. She is now in a fiberglass cast from just below the knee to just above her toes. She is not allowed to drive so Andy is helping us out with everything. Don't know what we would do without him.

I can't believe that we are only 23 days from 'Summer Fun Quilt Camp'. Time for us to Rock and Roll to get everything ready. This is our first trip during the month of August so I really hope that the air conditioning holds out for our trip. I have plenty of things planned and I know that the 'show and tell' will be wonderful as usual.

OK, guess that I need to get back in the groove. Have a great week. I'll try to check in again sometime this week.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Just a Little Whimsey!!!

No, I am not advertising. Mr. OLT brought this to my attention and it is really cute!!
Hope you enjoy it.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


I try to post something at least every weekend. I had hoped to have pictures of the garden or all the quilting I had done on the longarm, but that was not to be. Last Friday Tori and I attended a continuing education class for dental hygiene credit hours that we needed. We had a wonderful morning and a fantastic lunch. I dropped her off at her house and headed home. Between the time I dropped her off and reached my house - about 15 minutes-- Tori spoke to her neighbor and then went to her front porch to get her mail. Aparently when she turned to leave the porch something did not move right and she fell off of the porch. A total of 12 inches to the ground. In doing that she broke her right leg in 3 places. Two breaks in the ankle area and one break high on the fibula. Luckily the neighbor was still in the yard and reached Tori and immediately called us. I was driving into the yard as Mr Loose Thread was walking out of the door. Long story short and a ride in an ambulance and a few hours in the ER at Richland. Tori has a partial cast on her left leg and a sprained right ankle. It has been an interesting weekend. Of course, the up side of this; Piper and I have spent most of the weekend together.
Dusty and Sherry came back into town today so that relieves alot of that stress. Dusty will be here to help Mr. Loose Thread and Sherry is always helpful in many ways and is always available to help. Andy (Tori's cousin) will be staying with the girls for a while to help get Tori to work and Piper to Daycare, so, all is under control.
Looks like things will be taken care of and my family has told me that I WILL go to Knoxville for the AQS show. That I WILL NOT worry or fret and that I WILL have a good time. Sooooooo, OK, no problem. I guess that I MUST leave on Tuesday and come back on Sunday. I MUST look at quilts, take classes, tour the vendors (please don't tell Mr. LT about the vendors), and eat in nice resturants. OK, if I MUST then I guess I am off to Knoxville on Tuesday morning.
The four blocks that appear in the picture are from the 'Little Quilts Twelve Days of Christmas' that is Designed by Wanda Hizer. I am enjoying this block of the month and Little Quilts has made it so easy. No big yards and yards of backing fabric like some othe BOM's. They have generous cuts of the background and plenty of the fabrics needed to complete the blocks. Very professional. Very good BOM.
OK, I am on my way to Knoxville. I hope to have lots of pictures and other stuff when I return. Have a good week--I know that I will.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Garden Surprises

This is a little cantaloupe on the fence from our corn patch into the neighbor's yard. We must have at least a dozen on each side of the fence. The ones in our yard are on the temporary fence around the corn patch..

This is the little watermelon that has grown through the fence into neighbor's yard. Alice and Charles set it on this little table since it is growing on a fence and is at least 2 feet off of the ground.
When we planted all of this we hoped for a few vegetables and maybe one watermelon and cantaloupe. Never in our wildest dreams did we believe we would be this lucky.
AMAZING !!!!!!

Sunday, July 4, 2010


What a great weekend. I spent plenty of time in the studio and quilted these two quilts.

Beth Karr pieced both of them and now they are quilted.
This first one I have titled Country Snowmen and I quilted it with a pantograph.

This second one I have titled Summer Picnic. This was also pieced by Beth Karr. This is the first custom quilting that I have done on any piece. I had loads of fun and learned an so many different things on this quilt.

Friday night we went to a Columbia Blowfish baseball game. It was a perfect night for baseball and fireworks. We all had a blast.
Saturday night the children cooked supper at daughters house. Sure was nice to just sit back and chill out.
Today we spent the afternoon with Clay and Laura. The pool felt wonderful and the weather was picture perfect. We had the ribs and watermelon that are absolutely necessary for the 4th of July.

Dick picked this basket of vegetables out of our little garden this morning. This is the first time we have had corn. We did take some to Clay and Laura's to cook on the grill. That was WONDERFUL!!

I am like Lee Greenwood:

that is what allows me to do the things that I do.

Have a good week.

P.S. I have just spent an hour trying to get blogger to post this in the format that I want it. However, blogger is going to post it in the format that it wants to----so-----if it looks wonky, it's blogger's fault.