Longarm Quilting Services

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Garden Report for 2010

I have been asked to post pictures of my garden. This is the area that has been reclaimed. It was previously a 'dog pen' about 10-14 years ago. It has not seen a dog in a long time. In this area I have planted 8 varieties of tomatoes, 3 varieties of beans/peas, 2 varieties of squash, 2 varities of eggplant, some onions ( that did not do well) and okra.

The small trough in the picture is the herb garden. My goodness, I have had to prune, prune, and prune. The herbs love this set up.

The large trough is where I planted 2 grape tomato plants, spinich, lettuce, and garlic. The tomato plants are on the end. Look at how they grew up, and I could not support them so they are now growing toward the ground. They are so full of tomatoes that I can't keep up with the picking.
The lettuce that I planted was a bright green 'soft' variety. I was still getting great lettuce until the first of this week when the temps hit 100 degrees. Time to dig that up. I am leaving the spinich just to see what it does and the garlic can now have the whole end of the trough.

I will add pictures of the 'corn patch' within a few days. It looks like we will get a really good crop of corn.

Planted under the corn is watermelon and cantalope so we will just have to wait and see how they do.
We are really having a great time with the gardens. The okra has started producing. The pink eyed peas are doing well. The tomatoes are doing well. The squash and the beans are just about finished, but, the eggplant are doing fine.

Time to start thinking about a 'Fall Garden'. Since we have never planted a 'real' garden before I will have to do research on the 'Fall Garden' part.

Didn't do much sewing over the weekend. Hope to make up for that this week.
Have a good week,

Friday, June 18, 2010

I Regret To Inform You

How sad. I regret to inform you that you will not be allowed to buy a ticket in hopes of winning this quilt.
It has been brought to our attention that raffles are not legal in South Carolina, so, Devine Quilters will not be using this quilt as a fund raiser.
Many hours were spent on this quilt. No, it is not finished. Many people spent much time on this quilt. No, it is not finished. Now we are going to auction it off, as is, to a lucky guild member in September.
I feel priviledged to have worked on this project in hopes of raising money and awareness for our guild. Sadly, that will not happen. I really should be angry about the whole mess---but, I am not, I am just sad about the whole situation.
There comes a time when some of the antiquated laws of the state that I love need to be changed. Our legislature had that opportunity just recently. Not much time was spent on this opportunity and the legislation was not passed. Hopefully this wrong can be righted during the next legislative session.
One can only hope that a small group of quilters can some day raise some money for educational purposes by selling tickets so that one lucky person can win something so beautiful as a hand made quilt.
Off of my soap box now and back to my applique project,

Monday, June 14, 2010

It Was MY Birthday and this is What I did

One Leaf and 3 holly berries to go and this block will be completed.

This is the French hen from the '12 days of Christmas' BOM that I am working on. I did spend Sunday afternoon working on this.

I really love applique.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

It's One of Those Wonderful Days!!!


I am sooooo happy to be having another one of these!!!
My cake really is Chocolate, but, looks like Elmo!! Kool !!

Have a great week,

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Parker Update

This was little Mr. Parker in recovery yesterday. He spent the night in Intensive Care. He had a few issues with his medication and pain management, but, is now resting well.

KK was anticipating a move to a regular room later on today. As of now, I haven't heard if that happened.
The note that I received with this picture was: "Finally half way resting".
Thank you all for your continued prayers for this little fellow.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

New Blog with a Give Away!!!!

Cathi over at Shakerwood Quilts is having a giveaway!!! Go Check it out!

Parker Update

This is the copy of the email that I received from Parker's Mom and Dad. In addition, his surgery has been scheduled for Monday, June 7, 2010 at 8:30 AM EDT. Please take a minute out of your morning and pray for Parker, his very capable surgeon Dr. Smith, Parker's parents and his family. The awesome power of prayer can be felt whenever it is applied.

"We had Parker's MRI was Monday and we received our results today. We did not get great news (we were hoping that he just had a big head) but he will be having surgery on Monday June 7, 2010. He has hydrocephalous which means that one of the 4 valves that are located in the middle of his brain is not draining properly and causing a back up of spinal fluid. Dr. Smith will be going in and placing a shunt in that valve to allow the spinal fluid to drain into his abdomen by the tube that he will place on the shunt and runs to his abdomen. The procedure will take about 3 hours and he will have to spend a minimum of 2 days in the hospital. This is not something that he will grow out of and as the shunt fails we will have to have it replaced. It is encouraging to Jay and I that this is treatable and Parker will live a normal life. If you have any questions please let us know. As soon as we find out what time the surgery will be we will pass it along.

Please keep the prayers coming

Jay & Kristy "

Thank you for your help,

Wednesday, June 2, 2010



More on this later, just pray for Parker.

Thank you,