What a Great weekend I have had.
This quilt is a disappearing nine patch that I had on the frame and quilted this weekend in a continuous curve pattern.

This quilt is one that I volunteered to quilt for one of the guilds that I am a member of. I also did it in continuous curve, then bound it, and now it is ready for 'The Love Goddess'.

This is one of my 4 helpers in the studio. He tips the scales at 100 lbs and acts as though he owns the place. This is ROCKY. The quilt top that you can see hanging on the frame is one for Devine Quilters to give to a special organization. Beth Karr did the center of the quilt. Mary Cross colaborated on the borders and backing, and now I will do the quilting and bind it. I am waiting for a special pantograph to come in next week to use on this top, but the back is ready to load, the top is ready to load, and the binding is made. All I have to do is cut the batting and load it on the frame. It will be ready in time for our meeting next Monday night.

Mr. "OLT" hung more of my thread racks today. I did warn him that I would be needing even more of them hung in a few weeks. Thread is one thing that I will be looking for when I go to Knoxville for the AQS show in July.

I also finished a block for the 12 days of Christmas block of the month. Two turtle doves. I am almost half finished with the French Hen block, but I have to stop for the weekend.
I have had loads of fun in the studio over this long weekend. It is so good to have a husband that really doesn't mind me spending every minute in the studio over the weekends. We did go to my brother's house on Saturday for a pool party and to 'surprise' Pitty Pat with a birthday supper. We had a great time. It is so seldom that all of us can get together. Of course, not everyone was there. The ones that were not, were really missed.
I am glad that I have a short work week, as I can't wait to get back into the studio. The time is getting close for letters to go out to friends attending 'Summer Fun' quilt camp, so I also need to be thinking about some special activities for them.
Have a great week.