Longarm Quilting Services

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I really wasn't sewing

Really, I did not do these this weekend. These are some of the hexagons that I put together following a class based on the 'One Block Wonder' books. I took the class at the Quilted Pearl several weeks ago. Sara Quattlebaum taught it and this is what I have so far. My design wall has shrunk due to "stuff" being "stuffed" into a corner of my studio. I am going to leave them on my wall for a week or two to simmer. I may have to stir them periodically to get just the right mix that suits me. Once I have the right mix, then I will start to sew them together.

This is the actual fabric. Isn't it amazing the difference? I really want most of the blue to be in the lower left corner. I have other blocks to go there, just not enough room. I am not real sure what size or what type of borders that I will put on this piece. Right now, it just has to simmer.

I spent most of the day finishing preparations for Quilt Camp. I have 6 projects to take with me. The major one is to catch up with my Baby Jane, I am so far behind. Then there is the quilt for the Library Exhibit for the end of the year. I also have fabric and an idea for the guild challenge that I might work on. It is hard to work on a Guild Challenge at camp since I can't keep it a secret from other guild members. I am lucky to have many of them with me.

I almost forgot!!! The Bra's are coming to Columbia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited about this. A gallery exhibit in the Vista area of downtown Columbia, S. C. Fantastic!

The Quilters of South Carolina
Invite you to view the
March 2-15, 2009
The Gallery at DuPre
807 Gervais Street
Columbia, S. C.

Opening Reception- Thursday March 5 at 5:00PM

That's it for now. I'll be on retreat with Just Stitchin' Thursday to Sunday, so you won't hear from me. I really doubt that I will have a post until sometime next week. So, have a good week or two and stay tuned for more news.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I'm workin' on it !!!

I'm workin' on getting ready for Spring Quilt Camp . I have finished the "Welcome Gifts" :They are in this bag. This had been fun and is something that I have never done before. That is one thing about Just Stitchin', it has really tested my computer skills. I have learned so much in the past few years.

I also worked on something for our Saturday night "doo". All of that is in this box:

I always have so much fun working on these surprises. They turn out to be surprises for Sherry too. Many times we talk about what we want to do, but, she is never sure of what I will end up doing. That makes it fun for all of us.
Thursday night is always a good get acquainted night with lots of show and tell. Friday night is usually something fun going on with even more show and tell. Saturday night is a special night for Just Stitchin' and there is always even more show and tell.
Can you tell that I am really gearing up to go "to camp?"
However, I am going to cook supper----Bad, bad Fried Chicken with rice and bad, bad gravy. So much fat, so much cholesterol, soooooooooooooo good.
Have a good week.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I Want To Be Here

I want to be here. I want to just twitch my nose and be in this building with 14 of my favorite friends. I want to be here.

Or, I want to be here. I want to just twitch my nose and be in this building with 9 of my favorite friends I want to be here.

I want to be here sewing with my friends. I want to be here laughing at the jokes, dancing to the music, and lending my shoulder to anyone who needs it. I want to be here.

These are the two buildings that we use while at Quilt Camp. The first building is Stewart Hall which serves as one of our sewing areas/Quilted Pearl Annex and the Dining Hall. The second building is Cole Lodge. In this building we have a sewing area and our motel rooms. They are very close to each other and we all visit each other often to see what is going on. Since everyone brings several projects for the weekend, things are always changing.

I want to be here.

Soon Joyce, Soon.

Have a good week

PS. Sherry and I cancelled the mystery. To find out why visit the Just Stitchin' Blog