Sunday, February 15, 2009

I'm workin' on it !!!

I'm workin' on getting ready for Spring Quilt Camp . I have finished the "Welcome Gifts" :They are in this bag. This had been fun and is something that I have never done before. That is one thing about Just Stitchin', it has really tested my computer skills. I have learned so much in the past few years.

I also worked on something for our Saturday night "doo". All of that is in this box:

I always have so much fun working on these surprises. They turn out to be surprises for Sherry too. Many times we talk about what we want to do, but, she is never sure of what I will end up doing. That makes it fun for all of us.
Thursday night is always a good get acquainted night with lots of show and tell. Friday night is usually something fun going on with even more show and tell. Saturday night is a special night for Just Stitchin' and there is always even more show and tell.
Can you tell that I am really gearing up to go "to camp?"
However, I am going to cook supper----Bad, bad Fried Chicken with rice and bad, bad gravy. So much fat, so much cholesterol, soooooooooooooo good.
Have a good week.

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