Longarm Quilting Services

Sunday, December 6, 2015


Looking for Spring 2016
Gravatt Conference Center, Aiken, S. C. 

Thursday, February 18 – Sunday, February 21, 2016

This is a UFO event. You work on your own projects and just have a relaxing good time. 

All meals are provided by the fantastic Gravatt kitchen!  No dishes to wash!!! 
Walking paths all over the camp so that you can get your daily exercise. Walk by the lake and just lose yourself in your surroundings.
Nothing is structured except meal times.
Your fee includes
Neat and clean lodging in either Cole Lodge or Our quaint cottages.
The rooms in Cole Lodge sleep 2 and have their own bathrooms.
The cottage rooms have 2 adjoining rooms, each sleeping 2, with a shared bathroom.
All meals starting with dinner on Thursday night and ending with lunch on Sunday.
Optional Mystery Quilt designed by our own Judy Carroll
A 6 foot table all to yourself as your work area
Ironing surfaces furnished by One Loose Thread
Raised cutting surfaces
Snack Area
Massage available
Lots of Laughter
Of course, a few surprises will be thrown into the mix. 
Any Questions should be directed to:
One Loose Thread Quilting, 630 Planters Drive, Columbia, S. C. 29209
Attention: Joyce Greer
P. S. Also mark your calendars for
May Mester #4-Karen Conley returns with:
Several choices for patterns to work with or work with your JN UFO’s
You can also work with Karen on any other Judy Neimeyer patterns.

May 12 – 15, 2016

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

A Quilt Journey

This is the custom quilting that I have been doing over the last month. I did take time out to attend a Statler conference in Atlanta and to conduct Quilt Camp. The quilting is hand guided by me and stitched on Olivia, my Gammill Classic Plus machine. Hope you enjoy seeing these pictures.

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Now, back to my regularly scheduled programming. 
Have a great day,

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Rain Came

I haven't really posted much, other than quilting and camp information, over the last few months. I use to sit here and write out cute little posts that made people laugh and made me feel good. This maybe depressing to some, if so, I'm sorry, but right now I really am a little down myself.

You see, I live in Columbia, South Carolina and have lived here all of my life. I have spent the last few days watching my hometown sink under the pressure of so much rain that the systems of lakes could not hold all of the water. In South Carolina we have dealt with Hugo, one of many monster hurricanes. We have dealt with earthquakes, even though that was many,many years ago. Almost every winter we have crippling ice storms. Now, much of the state is dealing with what has been called a 1000 year flood. I think this is probably the worst of what has come before. We really could prepare for the other disasters, we knew what to expect. Flood water is another thing entirely. You really cannot prepare for this. You really cannot imagine the extent of devastation until you live it. You might say, don't build around water, but, that is not necessarily the answer. My home is miles away from a body of water. If it had not been for some work by the Corp of Engineers and Richland county we would have been under at least 6 feet of water.
This is the canal where we have an area of water intake for the city. 

This is a complex that my husband worked on several years ago in Sumter

This is the Lowe's in the area that the Quilted Pearl USED to be.

This was an area that was totally flooded in the Forest acres area.

This is an area on Bluff Rd. that is the entrance to I-77
Just a few miles from my home

This is the back water of Lake Murray Dam when they opened the spill way gates to dump water into the Saluda River.

As this played out over the weekend, I watched areas of this city that I use to play in be destroyed. I watched business flooded out. Some were our hangouts as teenagers, some were brand new and had only been in business for a few months. I have watched TV anchors 'loose it' on air due to what we see and how we feel. The first responders in South Carolina are to really be commended for the jobs they have done. Especially dealing with the 'stupid' that can't seem to understand that a barricade is in that street for a reason. They have seen the worst of this. The media has been fabulous. They have kept us up dated and have tried very hard to make sure that the information given was correct and up to date.

The people of South Carolina .........what can I say about them..............not enough adjectives to tell you just how amazing they are. You need what? They have it there so quickly, you just wouldn't believe how they did it. I have to say too that social media has made a tremendous difference in how all of this is being handled. You need it, you got it.

My entire family has been so blessed in that we have no issues with the flood damage. For awhile Dick and I did not have water. We are still under a boil water advisory. My daughter-in-law's work area has probably sustained some flood damage. My son's employers have had some flood damage. My daughter is fine and was back to work this morning. My sisters and their families are all dry and in good shape. Pat's husband works for AT&T and is helping with recovery. Her daughter works with our local food bank and they are doing a remarkable job.  We have been so blessed.

I have been trying to spend time in my studio working on some quilts, but, my heart is just not in it. I will be spending the next day or so just trying to 'get my head straight'. (My Daddy would be so proud of me using that phrase) You don't have to have gotten wet for this stuff not to effect your thought process. One of the things that I will do tomorrow is to turn off the TV and not watch any of the news. I have an appointment for a hair cut, so will try to get that done. Would love to 'go to lunch', but with a boil water advisory, I don't really trust the restaurants with the necessary sanitary practices.

Lost my train of thought.

My Grandchildren are out of school again tomorrow. Pretty soon we will try to all get together because we need too. This will pass. We will survive. The 'one day at a time' is the mantra right now. We welcome your prayers.

If you would like to offer your help, I would appreciate your contributions to Harvest Hope Food Bank.........because I know exactly where that money goes. You can do that on line at http://www.harvesthope.org/columbia . My sister's daughter works there so I know that your dollars will be well spent and will go directly to relief at this time and in the future.

Thanks for letting me vent. Sometime you just need to do that.

Sunday, August 16, 2015




Tuesday, November 10 – Friday, November 13, 2015
Location: Gravatt Camp and Conference Center, Aiken, SC

Limited to 36- Frayed Knots!!!
so register early!!!

This is a UFO event. You work on your own projects and just have a relaxing good time. 

All meals are provided by the fantastic Gravatt kitchen!  No dishes to wash!!! 

Walking paths all over the camp so that you can get your daily exercise. Walk by the lake and just lose yourself in your surroundings.

Nothing is structured except meal times.

Your fee includes:
Neat and clean lodging in either Cole Lodge or Our quaint cottages.
The rooms in Cole Lodge sleep 2 and have their own bathrooms.
The cottage rooms have 2 adjoining rooms, each sleeping 2, with a shared bathroom.
All meals starting with dinner on Tuesday night and ending with lunch on Friday.
A 6 foot table as your work area-Small personal tables are also allowed 
Ironing surfaces furnished by One Loose Thread
Raised cutting surfaces
Snack Area
Massage available
Lots of Laughter
Of course, a few surprises will be thrown into the mix. 

Any Questions should be directed to:
One Loose Thread Quilting, 630 Planters Drive, Columbia, S. C. 29209
P. S. Also mark your calendars for

Looking for Spring—February 18-21, 2016
MayMester #4-May 12 -15, 2016

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Browneyed Susans and Beverly

Beverly has picked up her quilt. Now I can show you the pictures of the process. Some of them are a little on the dark side and some are to light, but, here they are:
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Hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Quilts, quilts, and more Quilts!!!!

I am so excited. I have so many different projects to work with this month of June and into the months to come. Penelope Statler and I are working daily on some really beautiful edge to edge quilting. I have also blocked out some time to work with some custom quilting with Penelope. Haven't done any of that yet, but, have taken so many classes that I need to put them into action.

Custom quilt after Custom quilt. My clients have been so productive and the beauty that they are bringing to me to work with will take your breath away. I am so lucky to have clients that do such beautiful work.

This one is on Olivia right now. I am ditching everything and waiting on some stencils that I will use for background quilting.
I will finish all of the ditching before the stencils arrive, so, I will be putting this on Olivia's frame so that I can baste and stabilize it.
I have ordered thread for this project and it will be here this weekend and it will be ready.

I will be moving these two quilts back and forth on and off of the frame. This should actually keep things moving along and keep me from getting 'sick' of working on just one project over a 3-4 week period.

Then I have a third custom project to work with for the month of June and I will work it into the 'system' as the others move along.Sorry, I don't have a picture of that one yet.

If you need custom quilting before the end of this year, you really need to get on the list NOW. Time is getting short and you need to reserve your space in the line.

Turn around on edge 2 edge quilting is currently 2 - 3 weeks or less. That's a good thing, so if you have something ready that you might actually need for Christmas, now is the time to get it done.

OK, I live in the south and we are into our thunderstorm season, so, off of the computer, unplug the machines, pour a glass of wine and have a good evening.

Keep your seams straight,

Monday, June 8, 2015

This was one of the major projects that I finished this weekend. Love the way that it turned out. Will deliver to the client next week, but, she has already seen this video so now I can share what I have been doing.
Hope you enjoy it.

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Friday, May 22, 2015

Sewing in the Summer 2015
Gravatt Camp and Conference Center
Aiken, S. C.
Wednesday, August 12 – Sunday, August 16, 2015

This is a UFO event. You work on your own projects and just have a relaxing good time. 

All meals are provided by the fantastic Gravatt kitchen!  No dishes to wash!!! 
Walking paths all over the camp so that you can get your daily exercise. Walk by the lake and just lose yourself in your surroundings.
Nothing is structured except meal times.

Your fee includes:
Neat and clean lodging in either Cole Lodge or our quaint cottages.
The rooms in Cole Lodge sleep 2 and have their own bathrooms.
The cottage rooms have 2 adjoining rooms, each sleeping 2, with a shared bathroom.
Meals starting with dinner on Wednesday night (Thursday-for three day campers) and ending with lunch on Sunday.
A 6 foot table all to yourself as your work area
Smoking is not allowed while attending a One Loose Thread Retreat
Ironing surfaces furnished by One Loose Thread
Raised cutting surfaces
Snack Area
Massage available
Lots of Laughter
Of course, a few surprises will be thrown into the mix. 

Any Questions should be directed to:
One Loose Thread Quilting, 630 Planters Drive, Columbia, S. C. 29209

P. S. Also mark your calendars for
Fall Mid-week retreat—Tuesday, November 10 – Friday, November 13, 2015

Looking for Spring 2016 – Thursday, February 18 – Sunday, February 21, 2016


Thursday, April 23, 2015

This is what you call HEALTH CARE??

I had a physical this morning. At least that is what it was suppose to be, but, I am not really sure what a 'physical' is anymore. Are you?

What it use to be:

You talked to the Doctor. She/he ran some lab work like urinalysis and blood. She listened to your heart. We did a PAP test. We did a periodic chest x-ray. We did an EKG. We ran whatever tests were necessary to help the Doctor diagnose if I had any problems that needed to be addressed. The Doctor actually put their hands on you. Then the Doctor told you what you needed to do to help or repair all of the problems.


You talk to the Doctor. She/he explains some of your symptoms to you, age, lack of exercise, need for additional vitamins. She orders some tests run: Urinalysis, blood drawn, Neck x-ray (because it is popping, cracking and hurting) and then she asks: You had been having PAP tests here in this office. Do YOU (meaning ME) feel that you still need to have this checked? HELL YES!!! I still have all of my pieces and parts and they need to be checked along with everything else. At which time she says that I need to see an OBGYN to have these tests in the future since they are not really qualified to check my ovaries. WHAT????? You are an internest...........you are suppose to know all parts of the body.. So, I say, OK if that is what it takes. The question was also asked if I feel the need to still have annual mammograms....................Good LORD people!!!! what is going on here???

This might not bother me so much except:
Six months ago I had an appointment with my Cardiologist (which I really love). We had some discussion regarding shortness of breath and weakness in arms and legs. Then he tells me that the only way to check on these symptoms is to do a hearth cath. OK, so then he says...."Do you want me to do a heart Cath?"

Since when did I become the medical expert and make the decisions on what should or should not be done? The last time we did a heart cath we put the cath lab 3 hours behind because he had to place a stent in one of the most dangerous areas of my heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After which he told me I would probably need additional treatment for blockages caused by genetic problems.

I should not be making these medical decisions. My doctors should say: " You have these symptoms and I recommend that we do this................." and then we discuss and make decisions.

I am so disgusted with out medical system and now it has been complicated by the fact that I am a MEDICARE patient..............for which I paid for years and have all of the additional insurance that I have to pay to have. I had to sign a waiver to pay for a bone scan today because Medicare does not pay for that. Then the question was do you want this scan??? Good thing I said yes, because it showed that I am beginning to loose bone in my hips....................do you suppose that is what might be causing hip pain after a long day at the longarm??? I don't know, the doctor will advise me in a letter in a few days...................???

I can't fix this, but I sure hope that someone can..............I don't see how, but, my job is to be a great longarm quilter. Not a politician, insurance expert, or a physician. I really hope that those who are, will step up to the plate and fix this mess.

OK, rant is over.

Let's go sew-----even if it hurts.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Sewing in the Summer 2015
Gravatt Camp and Conference Center
Aiken, S. C.
Wednesday, August 12 – Sunday, August 16, 2015

This is a UFO event. You work on your own projects and just have a relaxing good time. 

All meals are provided by the fantastic Gravatt kitchen!  No dishes to wash!!! 
Walking paths all over the camp so that you can get your daily exercise. Walk by the lake and just lose yourself in your surroundings.
Nothing is structured except meal times.

Your fee includes:
Neat and clean lodging in either Cole Lodge or our quaint cottages.
The rooms in Cole Lodge sleep 2 and have their own bathrooms.
The cottage rooms have 2 adjoining rooms, each sleeping 2, with a shared bathroom.
Meals starting with dinner on Wednesday night (Thursday-for three day campers) and ending with lunch on Sunday.
A 6 foot table all to yourself as your work area
Smoking is not allowed while attending a One Loose Thread Retreat
Ironing surfaces furnished by One Loose Thread
Raised cutting surfaces
Snack Area
Massage available
Lots of Laughter
Of course, a few surprises will be thrown into the mix. 

Any Questions should be directed to:
One Loose Thread Quilting, 630 Planters Drive, Columbia, S. C. 29209

P. S. Also mark your calendars for
Fall Mid-week retreat—Tuesday, November 10 – Friday, November 13, 2015

Looking for Spring 2016 – Thursday, February 18 – Sunday, February 21, 2016


Sunday, March 29, 2015

One Loose Thread Retreats are now Smoke Free!!

After much thought on my own and prodding by the 'Frayed Knots' I have come to the decision that all retreats will be smoke free. No smoking will be allowed during any of One Loose Thread retreats. Not outside of the buildings, not in peoples cars, not in the rooms, No Where.

So, those of you that smoke, I would love to have you at May Mester and Quilt Camp, but, it can't happen as long as you are smoking

Thank you for your attention,

Friday, March 13, 2015

SOLD OUT!!! Well, maybe not.................

I want to thank everyone who has registered for May Mester #3. The event has sold out and I have started a waiting list. I have left all of the information on the blog, but, will be removing it by April 15th to post registration information for August Summer Quilt Camp.

Thanks again!!

There could be 3 or 4 spaces available if someone is interested it May Mester. Just contact me.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

May Mester #3 alternative

So, you really want to join us for May Mester, but, you don't want to commit to such a big project? You want to learn the 'Judy Niemeyer' way to paper piece, but, you don't want to make a 72" quilt? You know that One Loose Thread puts on top notch events, but, you just can't think about a full quilt at this time.

No Problem:

We thought about that and we have the solution. Make some placemats:

Karen will walk you through these over the weekend. Aren't they beautiful? I love these small projects that Judy has come up with.

Make a table runner:

Learn her technique, but, you don't have to commit to a big quilt.

Register Now for May Mester #3.

The information about the retreat can be found just by clicking on the link in the address bar above. I would love to introduce you to the 'Frayed Knots' and get you comfortable with the Judy Niemeyer method of paper piecing.........the easiest way EVER to paper piece.

Our Certified Instructor, Karen Conley will walk you through these patterns over the weekend and you will leave with the confidence to tackle any of Judy's patterns.

Just thought you would like to know............there is space available.
Have a great day

Sunday, January 25, 2015

May Mester #3 'Fire Island Hosta' Class

May Mester #3
Thursday April 30 – Sunday May 3, 2015
Camp Gravatt Conference Center
Aiken, S. C.

4 days and 3 nights of quilting fun with the Frayed Knots of One Loose Thread.

Karen Conley, Certified Judy Neimeyer Instructor

‘Fire Island Hosta’ and others!!!

Class will begin after supper on Thursday night with 2 hours of prep and instruction. We will continue with 6 hours on Friday and 6 hours on Saturday. Class instruction will conclude on Sunday morning with 2 hours of ‘wrap up’ between breakfast and lunch. That’s 16 hours of professional instruction!! Where else would you find that except at a One Loose Thread event!! In between class times it will be ‘free time’ for working on your class project, a ufo, or reading or walking around the beautiful retreat site or just taking naps, as you choose.

Lodging will be provided on site. You may choose from a quaint cottage room that shares a bathroom with the room next door or a lodge room with 2 double beds and its own bathroom. I have set aside just a few single rooms for this event and they will be first come first served. All other rooms will be doubles. If you can’t find a roommate, I will be glad to try to pair you with someone that will be compatible for you. With very few exceptions, all rooms are on the ground level.

Yes, we do have a special rate for day students!! See the registration form for additional information.
All meals, 9 of them, are included in your registration fee and will be prepared and served by the fantastic kitchen staff at Gravatt. If you have special diets or food restrictions please note that on your registration forms so that we can address those. I promise that you won’t go hungry during your stay with us.

All classroom space will be close to lodging and the dining hall. I usually tell everyone the longest distance to the dinner table is 100 yards. Classroom space is on the ground level, so no steps to climb.

Class Information:

Karen Conley, Certified Instructor for Judy Neimeyer, is returning for another weekend with the Frayed Knots. This time she will be teaching ‘Fire Island Hosta’ and Hosta Queen. No, you don’t have to work on the Hosta’s, as a plus, Karen will be available to help with other Judy Neimeyer patterns that you have already started and might be causing you problems. Judy has published 2 ‘leaf’ patterns that would work really well for you if you don’t want to start something really big. However, these other patterns must be cleared through Karen so that she can make sure she is familiar with them. Please understand that the primary focus is the Hosta. Patterns can be ordered from Karen at a discount. She will also kit this for you if you would like it done like that. She just needs ample notice…..like immediately.

This quilt was done by Dyna Hall

This Quilt was done by Certified Instructor, Tammy Doane

 Check out the top of this page to go to the registration page.
Register as soon as you can since the class is limited to 24 and is filling. I look to hear from you soon.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Look around!!!

Yes, please look around the blog. There have been some changes made. Let's see who find them first!!
No prizes will be awarded. However, you might find something that you have been looking for.
Have fun!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

What Happened During My Christmas Break?

Well, Christmas is over. All of the customer quilts made it out of the studio in time for Santa delivery. I even finished my own quilt gifts well ahead of the special day.
Austin's quilt was special in that I used fleece on the back. He thought that was pretty great.
AJ's quilt was the result of a class taught by Anita Bowen for Devine Quilt Guild. Great quilt.
Unfortunately, I have just discovered that I didn't get a picture of Piper's quilt. It was black, white,gray, and turquoise. She seemed to be really impressed that I knew her 'new' favorite color. Grandmommie's a mind reader??? Who knew!
***** I found a picture, deep in the photo file of my phone. Doesn't show the whole quilt, but, at least some of it.

Christmas Eve was wonderful as Mr. OLT and I hosted my siblings and their spouses. The eight of us had not had any private time together in years. The evening was awesome and this is the only picture:
It was a great evening and memories were made and some were put to bed. It was fun.

I spent the week between Christmas and New Years working on the 'Devine Charity Blitz'. Once I get the pictures together, I will tell you about that.

That's it for now. I am back to work. Penelope Statler has completed her first assignment of the year and I have just started loading a custom job on Olivia. It's going to be a great year..............Quilt Camp is in 6 weeks!!!!

Stay warm and keep your seams straight.