District 4 of the Quilters of South Carolina met this weekend. We had absolutely horrible weather and still at least 100 quilters from 4 or 5 counties met for fellowship and lunch. Our speaker for the day was the talented Kathy Gainey. If you are really 'into' hand dyed wool, you need to talk to Kathy. She had some of the most beautiful hand dyed wool that she had done. If you are interested you can reach her through her blog Shakerwood Primitives.
Do you know what I consider to be the most BORING activity in quilting? Stitching down fusible applique'. Yes, I can actually go to sleep while doing this particular technique. So, why, may you ask, am I doing the Be Attitude blocks? Well, Pat (sister quilter) and I have been trying to come up with something for her church, as a thankyou , for sponsoring Girl Scout Troops------years ago. What we have decided is to do these blocks from Nancy Halvorsen's Be Attitudes book and then hang them as panels on a very high wall in a stairway of their church. This is my first one. We split them up and will be doing them as a block of the month (we hope). The Eyes and nose of the dog will be added later. Can you guess why I chose this block? Remember that big Black Lab? Rocky? He did manage to eat 2 of my husband's shoes and recently has chewed a hole in a knitted throw. Soooooo, in order to keep from 'killing' him, we are learning to "Be Forgiving".
I also finished the binding and the label for the Spring Fling mystery. I just love this quilt. I just might have to keep it for myself. I look forward to posting a picture after Quilt Camp.
Have a great week. Try to stay warm.
LET'S GO SEW !!!!!!!!!!!