I spent my weekend with over 250 of my quilting sisters. We were attending Quilters of South Carolina's Pieceable Retreat. This happens every October and it is a fantastic experience.
This was the class that I took. Galaxy Stars is a pattern taught by Anita Bowen. We had a great group and it made for a wonderful weekend.
Those of us that participated in the 'Artful Bra' project also received a surprise. OUR BOOK WAS PRESENTED TO US !!!!!!!!

What a wonderful surprise !!! The books are beautiful. High quality paper and fantastic photography. You too can be the proud owner of one of these limited edition? books. Just go to
http://www.pickledishstore.com/ and order your books. Once it is set up you can order them directly from Quilters of SC on their website at
http://www.quiltersofsc.org/ . All profits from the sale of this book go to 'Best Chance Network' who provide mammograms and PAP smears for those who can't afford them.
Time to start getting ready for Quilt Camp. The website is not working properly, so if you need information contact me directly.
More later,