Thursday night was a beautiful evening on the lake for the Knight Bee. We met at Judy Twitty's house and everyone brought something to eat. What a 'spread' we had. Everything was delicious. I find these gatherings so refreshing. A good time was had by all.
This is where I am at this point with the piece for the Devine Library exhibit. I have not worked on it since January. I did get 4 more rows done today. Now I have to construct units before I can do anymore rows. I think that I only have 6 more rows to construct and then it will be a completed top.
I spent Friday just doing 'stuff'. Got my nails done, ate lunch with Pat, registered both of us for the show in Knoxville. That pretty much took all day once I added in a 3 hour nap.
Saturday I worked on the Devine Medallion. I am not quite half finished with that. I think that it is looking good at this point. Still alot of work to do on that.
The garden has started producing. I am cutting cukes and squash. The Basil has been cut 4 times in the past 2 weeks. Huge bunches have been given away and I am using it as fast as I can. The Dill is trying to bloom and I keep pinching it back. I have some huge tomatoes, but nothing turning red yet.