Longarm Quilting Services

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Queen of Diamonds and Penelope Statler

 Well, today is Saturday, September 7, 2024. This project came into the studio April 8, 2024. This was loaded on August 18, 2024. I did have rotator cuff surgery between these times and could not touch my machine. Today is delivery day for this beautiful girl!!!

This quilt is hand pieced using the English Paper Piecing method of construction for the center diamonds. The client applied the small diamond borders and the sashings and larger border by machine. The quilt was designed by Pink Door Fabrics in conjunction with Tula Pink and Free Spirit Fabrics. They did a fabulous job with this Block of the Month series. I can say that because I have also stitched the diamonds for this quilt, just haven't gotten it together yet. 

The digital quilting designs are from 'A Bit of Orange'. The designs on that site seem to primarily be for embroidery machines so they are entirely in 'node' form for my Creative Studio software from Gammill. I had been told that I would have significant problems with placement and adjustment of the designs in Creative Studio. I want EVERYONE to know that was not the case. CS handled these designs like the fabulous software that it was designed to be. The only problems that I had were user error.

 For instance, I really had not noticed how the sashing had to go in a certain direction to form a new design around the corner stones. So, needed to rework a couple of those at the beginning. I had to rework more of them when I didn't pay attention to my top tension and had to take out 2 rows of sashing. (Watched 'Yellowstone' to make that an easier process) There again, user error, not a software problem. I keep talking about my software because someone had told me it was antiquated........... I find it absolutely amazing!!!! Very easy to use and super educational in that I learn more and more every time I do use it. I do love my Statler and Creative Studio.

I am so please at how this project turned out. Thankfully, my client has been very patient with me getting this to the end. 

We double batted this piece. There is Quilters Dream Cotton Select on the bottom and Quilters Dream Wool on the top. This gives excellent definition to the quilting along with the stability to hang the quilt for show. 

The back of the quilt is just as pretty as the front. I was very pleased that my Gammill allowed me to use a cream thread in the bobbin all the way through, even though I used a gray/silver thread on the top in all of the black areas. Yes, it took some 'tweaking' but it was manageable.

I am very happy that this quilt was entrusted to me for this type of quilting. Many of you have commissioned me for heirloom quilting of your beautiful quilt tops and I really appreciate your trust. I say trust because, you hand them to me and tell me to do what I think is best for the piece. That says alot about the faith you have in me as a quilter. Not only that, but you understand my process and that is is not fast. Thank you.

So, with all of this said I present to you 'Queen of Diamonds':

I am so sorry that I cannot show you a full on picture of this beautiful quilt, but, it is raining outside so I can't hang it anywhere to get one. Maybe my client will send me one from a 'show'. 

Have a great day!!! Remember to register for the November quilt retreat with One Loose Thread.