Longarm Quilting Services

Tuesday, September 14, 2021


November Mid-week retreat with One Loose Thread


Gravatt Conference Center, Aiken, S. C. 

Tuesday, November 9 – Friday, November 12, 2021

Registrations will be taken as received. Attendance will be controlled by Covid-19 guidelines and is subject to change. Register early!!

This is a UFO event. You work on your own projects and just have a relaxing good time. Quilters of all levels from beginner to professional.
All meals are provided by the fantastic Gravatt kitchen!  No dishes to wash!!! 
Walking paths all over the camp so that you can get your daily exercise. Walk by the lake and just lose yourself in your surroundings.
Nothing is structured except mealtimes.
Your fee includes
Neat and clean lodging in either Cole Lodge or Our quaint cottages.
The rooms in Cole Lodge sleep 2 and have their own bathrooms.
The cottage rooms have adjoining rooms, each sleeping 2, with a shared bathroom.
All meals starting with dinner on Tuesday night and ending with lunch/brunch on Friday.

A 6-foot table all to yourself as your work area
Ironing surfaces furnished by One Loose Thread
Raised cutting surfaces
Snack Area

Massage available
Lots of Laughter
Of course, a few surprises will be thrown into the mix. 
Any Questions should be directed to:

One Loose Thread Quilting, 630 Planters Drive, Columbia, S. C. 29209


Questions? Call 803-776-5801---the Studio

November Mid-week Retreat with One Loose Thread

Gravatt Conference Center, Aiken, SC

Tuesday, November 9, 2021 – Friday, November 12, 2021



Phone: Home________________Work_________________Cell________________________________

Email: ______________________________________________

Lodging Type










One Loose Thread is not responsible for finding roommates. If you reserve a double and no roommate can be found, then OLT will bill you for the difference.
These fees include lodging and all meals beginning with Tuesday supper through Friday brunch. Check-in no earlier than 1:00 PM on Tuesday. Check out of rooms by 10:00 AM on Friday. Check out of Sewing area by 1:00 on Friday.

A deposit of $200.00 of your fee and signed registration form should be sent to:

One Loose Thread Quilting, 630 Planters Drive, Columbia, S. C. 29209

You do not have a reserved space until I have this paperwork.

Total included: $________________ with registration form. If you have special dietary needs, contact me and we can discuss how these can be handled.

Request Massage? _______. Requested Roommate___________________. Sew-Ezy Table?___________

 Email confirmation when registration is received.  Remaining balance is due October 15, 2021.

                I understand that by completing this registration form and making my deposit, I am obligated for the total cost of this event. Also, if, for any reason, I am unable to attend and cannot find someone to assume my reservation, I am financially responsible for the full amount of the balance. Personal liability waiver and indemnification agreement:  Your safety and the security of you and your equipment is taken very seriously, but neither the retreat organizers nor Gravatt Conference Center will be held liable for any personal injury, loss/theft or damage anytime during the retreat. Your attendance constitutes your agreement to indemnify the organizer and Gravatt Conference Center from any claim for injury, loss or damage for any reason. You are responsible for any damage to the retreat center property, facilities, or equipment caused by you through negligence or willful intent.

Signature: _________________________________  Date: __________________