Longarm Quilting Services

Friday, February 5, 2021

A Long Journey Comes to an End

 Well, it is finally over! I logged this quilt top into the Studio on February 14, 2019. I'm sure that Sally intended it to be shown at one of the Guild Shows in Aiken. That didn't happen. It hung for quite a while before I actually loaded it on my machine. 

As you can see, it didn't start to load until July of 2020. So many things had happened in my personal life that somethings had to wait and Sally was kind enough to allow this to wait too. 

So, it was loaded and I started the Stitch in the Ditch to stabilize the quilt. Everything went well. Stitching around ay type of applique' takes time and ditch stitching is one of the most difficult things to do on a longarm machine. Anyway, I worked through that over a period of time. Then it was time for the backgound fills on each block..................and she sits and waits..........and waits.........and waits. 

There are days that I can walk up to a machine and just start stitching. Other times it will not let me take control. So I waited..........then I finally figured out what I wanted to do in the background. Something simple that would showcase the applique' and not just jump off of the quilt. 

So, now I had all of the backgrounds locked down. There were some blocks that had interior areas that I would decide on later.........much later. Time for the sashing. 

And she waits..........and she waits...........and she consults with a quilting mentor..........and she waits. Finally, I decided to do something a little unconventional. I set up my Statler and placed this design in the sashing areas. 

This is the only part of the quilting on this piece that was computer assisted. So, the sashings are done.

Time for the borders. And, she waits........... and she waits...........and she draws........and she thinks........and she again consults her quilting mentor...........Then one day, she stitches.

Don't pay attention to the white lines. That didn't happen, but, it got me started and soon the border was complete.

Then I still had some blocks where the centers were open and those need 'something'. And she waits.....

Do you see now why it takes me so long to complete a custom quilt?........

At any rate, yesterday February 4, 2021, I took the last stitch in this project. Pulled it down so that I could actually look at it and I just cried. That happens to me when I am so into a project like this and then get to the end. It is done. I am really happy with the end results. And, I can't actually believe that I did it. 

So, here it is. It will soon be on its way to Virginia, because Sally moved recently. Lot's of life changes for both of us, but, now we can put this one project aside. 

If Sally will allow, I hope to take this to Quilt Camp in a couple of weeks for 'Show and Tell'. Then I can get it on a rack and get some really good pictures. 
For now, it's off on another adventure. I have custom clients listed for the next few months, so it's off to start on another exciting journey!!

Have a great day!!