Longarm Quilting Services

Saturday, September 26, 2020

November News!!!

 I am getting close to filling the November retreat, however, I do have some additional slots available. The magic number would be around 20, but, I currently have enough registered for us to have a great group and work within Covid guidelines. 

Something has been added that is not on the registration form. It is a special offer from Gravatt and one that I just could not refuse. It goes like this:

Special Invitation from Gravatt Conference Center:

Continue the fun of your Quilt Retreat with One Loose Thread

·       Sew all day Friday

·       Dinner by Gravatt Kitchen on Friday night

·       Sleep in your same room Friday night

·       Sew all day on Saturday

·       Bruch by Gravatt Kitchen on Saturday morning

·       ENJOY THE BIG DELISH with food prepared by our favorite chef Brandon Viele from Juniper!! ( This is included in the cost)

          This event will be held on the Camp side of the Lake!!

·       Sleep in your same room Saturday Night

·       Pack and leave on Sunday morning

·       Sunday breakfast on your own

Cost will be an additional $125.00 over your retreat fee.

So, this would allow you to extend your relaxation and sewing time by 2 extra days. You won't have to change rooms or move machines.

Think about it. The registration forms are available by clicking a link at the top of this page or on the facebook page. The special Invitation has not been added to the form, but, can be noted or you can just email me. 

I'm off to work on a beautiful wool Halloween quilt for a client. Hope you have a great day!

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Time To Move Some Fabric!!

 One day last week it occured to me that this studio is a DISASTER!!! And, it was contributing to my mental state, not being it's usual up beat self. Sooooooooooooo, I decided that I would sell off my stash. Well, I really don't have the time to measure, cut, package, mail, sell it myself. Wouldn't you know that an elf stepped in and said that she would do all of that!! So in comes Sharon Sisson from Treadle Pushers Quilt Shop in Sumter!!! YEA!!!!! SHARON!!!!!

These pictures show what I started with each shelf is 2 layers deep in fabric. Most of which I have not seen in at least 5 years, probably more. 

So, I have started sorting. I know I want to keep the precuts (more on that later). I really like to have a lot of neutrals. Purple, orange, hot pink, and lime green are my favorites. For some reason I have A LOT of Halloween fabric. I have a dozen or more of the big blue Ikea bags and I have borrowed more from friends and I am moving fabric. 

I have told myself that I can have one.....ONE....stack of each color family........... well maybe the whites, creams, and tans can have two..Then there is my collection of black and whites that I have worked on for over 20 years....... I think it will also have 2 stacks....but these must be side by side so that I can see everything. Halloween gets a stack. Christmas gets a stack, and POLKA DOTS!!!! they get a stack!!

The rest MUST GO!! and it will. This is all first quality, quilt shop quality fabric. There is NO JUNK... now, I'm not saying that it is all beautiful..........there are a few 'What were you thinking' pieces....for sure. 

On Sept. 20, 2020, Sharon and her husband will be here to pick it all up and take it to the shop. She will get it ready for the BIG SALE.......... so you need to watch our facebook pages to see when that will happen. I have added several bags since this picture was taken.

In the meantime, Alexis Greer spent several hours today reorganizing my fat quarter bins. They really needed it. I think that sometime after all of this I am going to cut all of that up into Bonnie Hunter's Scrap System and use those drawers for that purpose. But, that's for another intervention!!

Alexis is doing a great job. Those white drawers have been buried under at least 2 feet of fabric for at least 8 years!!! What you see on the longarm table still has to be filed once she finishes the reorganization. That should all happen tomorrow.

Once this side of the studio had been cleaned out, I have the other side to do. I will get all of the 'hidden' fabric out of there before Sharon picks up and then I'll have a lot of STUFF that will have to be disposed of. The fabric on the other side of the room has a lot of what would do very well for One Block Wonder quilts.At least I think that's what's over there. 

Then there are the project boxes........... I have a TON of them and each one has a project in it and some have 2 or 3 projects in them. I don't think I will be  sending those to Treadle Pushers for sale....I'll deal with them another way. However, as I type this, I'm thinking that maybe I 'might'...and send box and all. We'll see.

Oh yes, I said I would get back to the precuts............ I have far, far, more that I ever thought that I had. Therefore, I am going to have to rethink what I will do with those. I imagine that quite a few will go into the fabric sale, so stay tuned.

So, that's what's going on at One Loose Thread. The dust is flying!! This studio is going to look soooooo much better and it will be a much happier place.......Mr. OLT even suggested that we change out the carpet............YES!!!!!!!! It is a dirty tan piece that has been on the floor for years!!!

Olivia Statler will reappear on the 20th of this month, so I need everything ready to rock and roll. I am 3 weeks behind on my clients quilts...........to me, that is totally unacceptable and I need to get back on schedule. 

I am still registering for November Quilt Retreat!! It's a great deal, so register soon. I have a limit of 20 for this retreat!!

In the meantime!!! LET'S GO SEW!!!!