Longarm Quilting Services

Saturday, July 27, 2019

One Loose Thread and Sisters Oregon!!

I am just going to take a minute here to post some pictures of our FABULOUS trip to the Sisters Quilt Show in Oregon. I'm trying to get all of our pictures together so I can share all of them in one place, but, that will take some time and I am currently prepping for Summer Quilt Camp. So, this is what I currently have. Hope you enjoy them.

One Adult Beverage

Maybe there is a Clemson fan in Oregon???

The 'Frayed Knots' were in SISTERS!!!

There will be more later when I have more time. Special thanks to those who supported this trip. I hope we can do something like this again in 2021!!! This time....Lobster!!

Thanks to Country Heritage Tours for taking such good care of us!!

Let's go sew!!