Longarm Quilting Services

Sunday, January 7, 2018

It's Sunday with One Loose Thread

This has been a very busy and fulfilling day.

I started my day by finishing up a client's custom quilt. That took about 2 hours. Then I pulled it down for pictures...another hour. After those photos, I spent another hour or so working with them and setting them up as a 'smile box'.

I do a smile box for most of my custom clients. I try to take the quilt from start to finish in a really good slideshow format. Yes, I even include my problems when I create a tuck in the back, but, I also show how I take care of the other issues that might occur with wavy borders or really 'full' blocks. It helps both of us to remember what happened and how the issues were addressed.

Then, I decided that I wanted some outside photos of the quilt....Did I say it is REALLY COLD in South Carolina right now? Well, it is, but outside I went. Took those pictures and came back in to edit them. That took another hour.

Then it was time to trim the quilt...did that. Now I have just spent the last hour removing all of the basting threads from the quilt. Finally, it is ready to place in the bag for pick up.

Invoice posted to client and 'Smile Box' sent to client and posted to the blog.

Started all of this around 9:00 this morning. It is now around 4:00 and it is Bull Bat Time for sure.

So, I have poured a glass of Pinot Grigio and I will now settle back and enjoy the evening. That said, I am going to go cut more half square triangles and work on Bonnie Hunter's mystery, 'On Ringo Lake'. I am very close to being ready to piece the blocks.

May all of your seams be 1/4"...............

Custom Quilting of the 'Girl Next Door' is complete

I finished this quilt today after about 5 weeks on Olivia's frame. It is 100% handguided quilting. Even though the top had an issue or two, I was able to deal with it and I am very happy with the results. I believe that my client will be too.

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Tuesday, January 2, 2018

New Year New from One Loose Thread!!!

Happy New Year to all of you and thank you very much for your support over this last year. I am looking forward to 2018 and plan to make it a very good year.

For those of you that have been waiting so patiently for your quilts, thank you. Now that the crazy Christmas schedule is over, I can get back to regular scheduled programming for quilting. I hope to have everything that is currently 'in house' completed and back to their owners by the end of February. That is with a few exceptions. I have some heavy custom quilting that is on the schedule that will run later than that time. 

All edge to edge that comes in will still be completed and returned to you within my normal 2 week time frame.

I am currently scheduling custom quilting into June of 2018. Because of this, I will only schedule 2 custom quilts per month, whether they are hand guided, Statler assisted, or a combination of both. Once I get through this backlog of custom quilts, this may change. However, for now, I am going to hold to this scheduling time frame.

Please keep in mind that the 'quilting' part of One Loose Thread is still the major focus of the business. However, I love hosting our retreats and will continue to do so as long as it continues to be 'fun' for us all.

There are, currently, 4 retreats scheduled for 2018 and each is different.

 Spring quilt camp is currently registering and Beth Karr has designed an interesting mystery for us. May Mester 2018 will start registration within the next week or so and this year I am trying something a little different. One building will house our Judy Neimeyer class with CI Karen Conley. She will assist us with many different JN designs that we currently have in process. At the same time, if you have never worked with the Quiltworx patterns, she will be offering 'Moroccan Courtyard and Fractured Paint Box. Either of these will allow you to learn the process and finish with a fabulous quilt. The other will be hosted by Cindy Bundrick as she takes you through the construction of a beautiful bag and wallet that looks as though it is from a high end boutique.You will complete both projects within the weekend and still have time to work on other projects that you might bring with you.

I will, at this time, tell you that this will be our last May Mester that will feature a Judy Neimeyer class with a Certified Instructor, for a while. Karen has been with us for 5 or 6 years now and it's time for us to move on. I am open to suggestions from the 'Frayed Knots' as to which direction we should take with this project.

 Summer camp and Fall camp will both be bring your own project camps with several surprises thrown in.

That's all the news that I have for now other than these little 'tid bits': Mr OLT is doing very well. Loosey is adapting to her new collar and is smart enough to 'get it' on the first beep. Rocky is tolerating Loosey and loves her very much. 

Have a fabulous day and may all of your seams be a quarter inch!!