Longarm Quilting Services

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Spring Quilt Camp!!! Registration is open!!

Registration form can be accessed at the top of this page. It includes other information and fees. 

Looking for Spring 2018
Gravatt Conference Center, Aiken, S. C. 
Thursday, February 22 – Sunday, February 25, 2018
This is a UFO event. You work on your own projects and just have a relaxing good time. Quilters of all levels from beginner to professional.
All meals are provided by the fantastic Gravatt kitchen!  No dishes to wash!!! 
Walking paths all over the camp so that you can get your daily exercise. Walk by the lake and just lose yourself in your surroundings.
Nothing is structured except meal times.
Your fee includes
Neat and clean lodging in either Cole Lodge or Our quaint cottages.
The rooms in Cole Lodge sleep 2 and have their own bathrooms.
The cottage rooms have adjoining rooms, each sleeping 2, with a shared bathroom.
All meals starting with dinner on Thursday night and ending with lunch/brunch on Sunday.
Optional: Mystery Quilt designed by our own Beth Karr (everyone will receive the clues)
A 6 foot table all to yourself as your work area
Ironing surfaces furnished by One Loose Thread
Raised cutting surfaces
Snack Area
Massage available
Lots of Laughter
Of course, a few surprises will be thrown into the mix. 
Any Questions should be directed to:
One Loose Thread Quilting, 630 Planters Drive, Columbia, S. C. 29209
Questions? Call 803-776-5801---the Studio

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

#OLTQuiltRetreats, what I have learned and other things

The monthly meeting of the Devine Quilters, Inc was held last night. Jordan was the speaker for our program and her topic was Social Media. Which is a really good one for those of us that use this platform for communication. That is those of us, over a certain age, that are trying to use this platform for communication. I did learn alot from her discussion. Hashtags are still confusing to me, but, I am going to keep trying. I have decided that every time I post about Quilt Camps or Quilt Retreats that I will use #oltquiltretreats and send the postings on to instagram.....................Eventually, I will figure out how this stuff works.

Did you know that you can actually have political discussions and they NOT be in your public forum on Facebook. Thank goodness that can happen....now, if it just would happen that would be fabulous!!

Yes, I'm just sitting here typing (keyboarding) away and I should be loading one of the last quilts for a client for Christmas. I'll do that later. We really haven't had a nice post in a while, so let's see what I can come up with.

This is Loosey. The top photo was her 'head shot' from Team Stinky Kiss. The one on the bottom was taken by me in July of this year. She has now turned a year old!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOOSEY!!! No, her behavior is the same. This girl is showing no signs of slowing down. Rocky is just tolerating her.....at least that's what he says, but I know better. They think I'm not looking when they play and snuggle.

Mr. OLT is doing well at this point. (Don't tell him I mentioned him..he hates it) He starts treatments on Thursday and then once a week for 6 weeks. Then, once a month. After that once a year for the rest of his life. He has been working on getting his stamina back so that he will have a little easier time with these treatments. I just hope all goes well.

One Loose Thread Quilting has been going steadily along. Thanks to all of my faithful clients both new and not so new. I will finish all of your Christmas quilts by my December 1st deadline and then I can work on some of mine. For those of you waiting for tops that you gave me months and months ago, thank you for your patience. I will be working on those over the next few months and if they are Edge to Edge quilting you will see them very soon. To my custom clients, progress has been slow, but, you will have your show quilts in time for their completion and entry.

If you are planning on having me quilt one of your custom quilts in 2018, then now is the time to get on that list. I am already scheduling into April and May for custom quilting. You know I am very slow at that, but, so far, we have all been pleased with the results I am getting.

 However, if edge 2 edge is what you need, I can normally turn those around in 2 weeks or less.

I have really gotten behind on posting quilts to the blog too. I'll work on being better with that in the New Year. Can you believe that it is almost 2018?? I sure can't. I don't know where time goes, but, I do know that this computer 'sucks up' a lot of it.

 So that said..................be on the look out for Spring Quilt Camp #oltquiltretreats to post on December 1st. As registrations come in they will receive a number and when I reach a certain number, registrations will revert to a waiting list. I'm looking forward to and already planning surprises for February Camp.

I'm going back to work now!! We'll talk soon.


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

WE Have a Winner!!!

Marolyn Floyds quilt won Best Machine Quilting at the Aiken Quilt Show this year. I am so very proud to have had a part in working on this beautiful piece.
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If you have time, check out the show at the Aiken Museum.