So, here we go, as it appears that I need to set some people straight!!
#1. One Loose Thread is not, I repeat NOT, discontinuing quilt camps.
#2. The OWNER of One Loose Thread......that would be ME.............can determine when any event is a sell-out. No one else makes these decisions and I should NEVER have to explain myself to anyone as to why a particular decision is made...........THIS IS MY BUSINESS. If I want to 'sell out' an event at 10 people, I could do that. If I want to wait and 'sell out' an event at 40 people, I could do that. This is MY decision to make. There is so much thought and preparation that goes into something like this that it gives me nightmares sometimes.
#3. As it stands right now, I will continue the same number and dates of events through 2018 and beyond. IF and I really mean IF I decide to cancel one, add one, shorten one, lengthen one (which I have done) You, the Frayed Knots, will be the first to know. I have always said that I would continue Quilt Camp as long as it was fun. Please people, don't make it 'not fun'.
#4. All of my clients and the 'Frayed Knots' know that they can come to me at any time and discuss policy, make suggestions, criticize, or heaven forbid, tell me I'm doing a good job. I will listen, evaluate, and do what I think is the right thing for me and MY BUSINESS.
BUT KEEP IN MIND, I am always trying to make your experience at camp fun and different. So, quit talking behind my back and come to me if you have any questions or comments.
Thanks. I will now get off of my soapbox and go sew.