Longarm Quilting Services

Monday, July 25, 2016

I posted this in 2011. This is an explanation of  what 'Bull Bat' Time means to me. This is a very special time of the day.

Oh what memories that statement brings back. This would happen at the end of the day. Usually around 5:00 or 5:30. I guess that was the time that the 'bats' would start to fly. I have no idea. However, when Mama and Aunt Helen were both alive we would gather on their patios for 'Bull Bat' time. Mama would mix her favorite adult beverage, Aunt Helen would mix hers and I would open a beer. We would sit out and enjoy the beautiful South Carolina Spring, Summer, and Fall. Someone would add in some cheese and crackers, nuts, something to munch on and we would just enjoy the end of the day. So many problems were solved during those times. I learned alot about my heritage, gardening, canning of vegetables, child rearing, just all sorts of stuff.

I'll just bet that you have had times like that too.

I miss those days.