We had a wonderful weekend of Family, Food, and Fun. The only 'fly in the ointment' came about when our team lost their game. Well, still a Tiger, always a Tiger.
It has been good to finish up some customer quilts and work just a little on mine. I still have a few to get to customers within the next two weeks and then I can really get to work on Christmas at the Greer house. I do have a mini-retreat planned in a few days. I am taking a few friends to the beach and we are going to 'test' out Beth's mystery for Spring Quilt Camp. That should be fun and don't forget the food part of the weekend. I sure do love that part.
Speaking of Spring Quilt Camp, there are only 2 sewing spaces available for February 2013. So, if you intend to spend the weekend 'sewing with the Frayed Knots', you need to let me know. Some people have had trouble with the registration form link and I am not sure why that is. Whenever I click on it everything is fine. However, if you have a problem, just email me and I will send you all of the information. The group that attended 'Sewin' in the Summer' in August had a ton of fun.
I have spent the day trying to catch up on some 'book work'...Gee I hate that. However, I did manage to catch up a little. It kills me that the end of the year is just around the corner. I don't know where the time goes, but, it sure does fly!!!
Ok, time to go cook supper for Mr. OLT. He is home for a few days so I have to prepare his favorites. Got to keep on his good side. Especially since I have a new 'baby' coming into the studio next week. Can't wait to try her out. Pictures later.
Forgot to mention that I have one camper that needs a room mate, so, if you don't have someone that wants to come with you, no problem.
Have a good week.