Longarm Quilting Services

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Hints for quilt labels

Just thought that I would stop for a minute and give you one of my hints for applying labels to quilts. I have to do three for the Grandchildren right now. So, here goes.
First hint:
     I print on printer ready fabric. I insert a picture that was taken during the year. Included on the label is the childs name, the name of the quilt pattern(approximate), the date, my name and the city and state.

Second hint:
     Don't wait until the last minute to apply the label

Third hint:
     Press under the edges of the label. Then, add a large piece of fusible (Wonder Under or other) in the center of the back of the label.
Fourth hint:
     Press the label onto the back of the quilt. Then take your quilting thread and a needle and blind stitch all the way around the label to truly attach it.
OK, gotta go get all of these sewn on.

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Let's go Sew!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas rush??

I am not really in a rush. I think that I have scheduled everything pretty well. My quilts are complete. This is the last of the grandchildren quilts.
I guess that I need to get a picture of the quilting. Gee, have to do that before I wrap it.

I do have to get 3 labels done. I normally like to print a picture of each child from the year on the label that goes with their quilt. It just gives us some sort of reference of what they looked like at the time.

I have managed to 'sort of' clean out the living room and dining room for the season. Just need to pull everything out of the attic this weekend and decorate. Tori is having a Miche open house here on the 17th, so have to at least get the tree up.

Although, everything was moved to the 'Goldilocks' room (grandchildren's guest room). I really need to find some space for batting. I love, love, love having all different kinds of batting from cotton to silk.

I did take some time last weekend and go to Myrtle Beach with The Tripp twins and some friends. We had a blast. We found some of the best food available on the strand. We did manage to get a lot of sewing done. Oh yes, a few adult beverages were consumed. The weather was great and we did actually see the ocean on Saturday.
OK, enough for now. I am going over to the 'Customer Quilts' page and post some of the finished quilts. I am having a blast quilting other Christmas presents......... So much fun.