Longarm Quilting Services

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Quilt Design?

I spent yesterday piecing this 2 inch half square border for my Lone Star. I thought that I wanted this as a final border on my star. Now that I have it on 2 sides, I'm not so sure. I am getting the feeling that the quilt needs a heavier border as the final statement.

I do want this to be as close to King as I can get it and still use Olivia to quilt it.

With these last 2" half squares, the top will measure 104". My frame is 12 feet, so, I cant go much bigger.

I could leave the final 2" off completely and use a pieced binding.

I could take off the 2" and put on a 6" border of some special fabric that pulls all the colors together. That would make the top 112" and I can work with that on Olivia. It will be tight, but, can be done.

This gives you a closer look. I have to put this away for now and finish all of the Christmas quilts. That doesn't mean that I won't be thinking about it. Especially since I have it on the calender to put it on the frame and start quilting it on January 1, 2012. This will be a great way to start the new year.

This is the day before Thanksgiving and the kitchen is going to get real busy. I have the cornbread ready for the dressing. The oven has been cleaned and the turkey will be going in within the next couple of hours. I have a new reciepe for cranberry that I thought I would try. It uses fresh cranberries. Just thought that it might taste better than the canned stuff. The children and grandchildren will be joining us. Only makes 8, but, that's a good number. We'll have lots of left-overs for the 'to go' boxes.

I hope that all of you have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


So sorry not to have been posting. I have had so much going on that I have not yet caught up. I will be getting everything together and posting several things next week.

1-Sandy's quilt is finished and she now has possession on it. For a top that she didn't like, this quilt really changed her mind.
2-Trip to Seabrook Island and Camp St. Christopher was a giant success. More on that later too.
3-Longarm group met here yesterday---Wonderful gathering
4-Quilts being finished for Christmas-------Pictures forth coming.
5-I DO HAVE SPACE AVIALABLE FOR ADDITONAL CHRISTMAS QUILTS---I don't know how long this will last, so if you need something, you need to let me know quickly
6-I hope to put my Lone Star quilt on the frame right after Christmas---cross your fingers for me as this will be a BIG under taking.

Ok, I guess that we need at least one picture, so I am going to pick something and post it here. It may or may not have anything to do with this posting.
You can't see her eyes, but they are a beautiful blue. This is Patches. She use to be a big fat cat, but, thyroid problems have taken their tole. She is still beautiful.
LET'S GO SEW !!!!!!!