Longarm Quilting Services

Monday, April 27, 2009

Trying to Catch up

OK. I finished this block tonight while cooking supper. This is M-2 Duff's Bluff. I have a few more set up, so, I might get another one finished tonight.
We will just have to see how it goes.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

I Surrender !!!

I have spent the entire day with Jane. I started this morning trying to do all of the paperwork on the blocks that I completed at Quilt Camp. That included pictures, postings in my Excel spreadsheet, and then filing the blocks in the two books that hold all of the blocks. Well, about 3 hours later I took the time to work on 2 of the blocks that I did not get done at camp. The first one in red is F-13 Tour deFrance--would you believe that I just noticed that I used bike fabric on this block. How cool !!!
This second block is M-9, Fan Dance. Our directions were not for set in seams--but, I set in all four of the diagonal seams. I think that I did a pretty good job.
I have used the rest of the day to prep 13 additional blocks to take with me to the beach this week. I will be there for the State Dental Meeting, so I will take the Featherweight and work on some of these blocks in the evenings. I am wayyyyyyyyyyyy behind with this project, so need to take some time and catch up.
My spreadsheet does not seem to agree with my block count. Which means that I will have to go through all of the blocks again to check it. I think that I have more completed than is indicated in the count, however, I will go with that count for now.
Hope you all have a good week.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Still Here

No, I'm not dead yet. Have had a scare with Heart Cath, but, things seem to be stable for now. I will probably have to have additional stents placed in the next few months. Will 'cross that bridge when I get there'.

Now, back to the important stuff.

I managed to finish another block for my Garden quilt. This is what I have so far:

I finished piecing the one block wonder quilt. It has been placed in the UFO box for now.

I have done all the prep work for the Devine Raffle Quilt and have started the applique on it this weekend.I really hope that I can do it justice. Elizabeth has worked so hard designing it. If this

turns out like I think that it will, this will be one awesome quilt.

Dick and I have also----------now about Dick--------He took Rocky for his "nip tuck" several weeks ago, and it is a wonder that he is still alive. Rocky does not know the meaning of a leash and he took off running when Dick opened the door. Rocky ran and Dick hit his head on a deck post. It is a miracle that he is still alive to tell the story. This photo is what he looked like 3 weeks later, so you can imagine what he looked like before. Long story short--Dick is fine and Rocky is a little more subdued. Both are doing fine.

Now back to Dick and I. We have been getting my unusual garden spot ready. This involves 2 large water troughs and lots of dirt. Will get more on that later. This has gone on long enough.

Blogger is not showing this posting in the preview the way I want it to look. So, hope you can read it.
Hope you have a good week.