Saturday, September 7, 2024

Queen of Diamonds and Penelope Statler

 Well, today is Saturday, September 7, 2024. This project came into the studio April 8, 2024. This was loaded on August 18, 2024. I did have rotator cuff surgery between these times and could not touch my machine. Today is delivery day for this beautiful girl!!!

This quilt is hand pieced using the English Paper Piecing method of construction for the center diamonds. The client applied the small diamond borders and the sashings and larger border by machine. The quilt was designed by Pink Door Fabrics in conjunction with Tula Pink and Free Spirit Fabrics. They did a fabulous job with this Block of the Month series. I can say that because I have also stitched the diamonds for this quilt, just haven't gotten it together yet. 

The digital quilting designs are from 'A Bit of Orange'. The designs on that site seem to primarily be for embroidery machines so they are entirely in 'node' form for my Creative Studio software from Gammill. I had been told that I would have significant problems with placement and adjustment of the designs in Creative Studio. I want EVERYONE to know that was not the case. CS handled these designs like the fabulous software that it was designed to be. The only problems that I had were user error.

 For instance, I really had not noticed how the sashing had to go in a certain direction to form a new design around the corner stones. So, needed to rework a couple of those at the beginning. I had to rework more of them when I didn't pay attention to my top tension and had to take out 2 rows of sashing. (Watched 'Yellowstone' to make that an easier process) There again, user error, not a software problem. I keep talking about my software because someone had told me it was antiquated........... I find it absolutely amazing!!!! Very easy to use and super educational in that I learn more and more every time I do use it. I do love my Statler and Creative Studio.

I am so please at how this project turned out. Thankfully, my client has been very patient with me getting this to the end. 

We double batted this piece. There is Quilters Dream Cotton Select on the bottom and Quilters Dream Wool on the top. This gives excellent definition to the quilting along with the stability to hang the quilt for show. 

The back of the quilt is just as pretty as the front. I was very pleased that my Gammill allowed me to use a cream thread in the bobbin all the way through, even though I used a gray/silver thread on the top in all of the black areas. Yes, it took some 'tweaking' but it was manageable.

I am very happy that this quilt was entrusted to me for this type of quilting. Many of you have commissioned me for heirloom quilting of your beautiful quilt tops and I really appreciate your trust. I say trust because, you hand them to me and tell me to do what I think is best for the piece. That says alot about the faith you have in me as a quilter. Not only that, but you understand my process and that is is not fast. Thank you.

So, with all of this said I present to you 'Queen of Diamonds':

I am so sorry that I cannot show you a full on picture of this beautiful quilt, but, it is raining outside so I can't hang it anywhere to get one. Maybe my client will send me one from a 'show'. 

Have a great day!!! Remember to register for the November quilt retreat with One Loose Thread.

Monday, August 12, 2024



3 or 4 nights!! Your Choice

Gravatt Conference Center, Aiken, S. C. 


This retreat is open to ALL QUILTERS!!

 This is a UFO event. You work on your own projects and just have a relaxing good time. Quilters of all levels from beginner to professional.
All meals are provided by the fantastic Gravatt kitchen!  No dishes to wash!!! 
Walking paths all over the camp so that you can get your daily exercise. Walk by the lake and just lose yourself in your surroundings.
Nothing is structured except meal times.
Your fee includes
Neat and clean lodging in either Cole Lodge or Our quaint cottages.
The rooms in Cole Lodge sleep 2 and have their own bathrooms.
The cottage rooms have adjoining rooms, each sleeping 2, with a shared bathroom.
Meals begin with dinner the day of your arrival and end with lunch/brunch the day of your departure.

A 6-foot table all to yourself as your work area
Raised ironing and cutting surfaces furnished by One Loose Thread
Snack Area

Massage available

Lots of Laughter
Of course, a few surprises will be thrown into the mix. 


Any Questions should be directed to:

One Loose Thread Quilting

Questions? Call 803-776-5801---the Studio 

Saturday, July 6, 2024


 Good morning!! Today is Saturday, July 6, 2024!!! I am amazed that it has been over a year since I have posted about the happenings here at One Loose Thread Quilting. Time certainly does pass faster as you get older. 

I have continued to quilt for the public. Longarm quilting is challenging and fulfilling all at the same time. I think that is what keeps my brain working at this stage of my life. With each quilt top that I put on my frames I have to design, problem solve, and use different methods of communication to get the best product for the client. What design to quilt on it? What thread and thread color to use? What batting to use? How best to enhance the top but not over power the piecing? I still love what I do since each day is different.

However, I have gotten seriously behind schedule with client quilts over the last 2 months. I had to have unscheduled rotator cuff surgery. I was led to believe that I would be back to work in 2 weeks......... Don't ever believe what someone who has never actually had this surgery tells you. I have not been allowed to touch my machines in 6 weeks. However, I have been talking to my physical therapist and we think we have worked out a way that I can get back to 'light' work next week. I sure hope so. My clients have been so supportive during this time, but, I still feel bad that I have not been able to meet deadlines that I had promised. I have been cautioned not to 'over do' or I'll be back in surgery and this time for total shoulder. I CAN'T ALLOW THAT TO HAPPEN. So, slow and easy will win the race. Strength training will not begin until 10 weeks post op. I'll behave so that I can accomplish the goals set. That said, I will be caught up by the first of September and ready for Christmas work.

Now, I'm also registering for August quilt retreat. Thankfully, I have a lot of support from the 'Frayed Knots' with prepping and executing things for retreat. Then there is the needed muscle to move and set up equipment that is provided by my son and Gravatt Camp and Conference Center. Retreats could not happen without the help and co-operation of all involved. This particular retreat will be a 'bring your own projects' type of retreat. I have planned a specific project for the weekend and that activity will be led by K. Rollins. I'm looking forward to that. Then there is always the sharing that goes on between everyone that attends. Wonder what neat things we will learn this time? Wonder what 'have to have' tool we will all need to order?

I have had a small garden this summer. Dusty came over and prepped the water troughs for planting. The green beans that I planted did beautifully and I was able to share with several people the harvest. My tomatoes have done nothing. I have been better off buying them from a local vegetable stand. I did manage to grow enough squash to freeze some for this winter. Now it's time to pull all of that out and get ready for a fall/winter garden. I will plant collards and I have ordered my garlic (3 different kinds) to grow over the winter. I love looking out the window in the middle of winter and seeing the green garlic tops and those wonderful collard plants thriving.

Now, what personal projects am I working on? I have finished all of the diamonds for 'Queen of Diamonds'. Now it's time to border and sash these blocks into a full quilt top. My next EPP project is also Tula Pink. It's Tumbling Cosmos and will probably take me about 2 years. The slow stitching for English Paper Piecing is fun and relaxing. I haven't been piecing anything since my shoulder surgery since I can't use a rotary cutter. That will continue as time passes. 

Loosey is doing well. She stays close to me but really likes it when I allow her to visit with people here in the studio. I have to be careful there because she gets so excited and jumps all over people. She will forever be a puppy. She had appointed herself as my personal dishwasher and has to inspect and clean every dish when I finish eating. She does help me out alot with food prep in the kitchen. She likes to test avocado. celery, lettuce..... any vegetable that happens to be on the counter. I can't leave a tomato on the counter or she helps herself to it. 

Well, I've been up since 4:30 this morning just playing around in the studio. Now, I've had some breakfast and I think I'll go and try to load a quilt on Penelope Statler. I'll go slow and use the left arm as much as possible..........not the right arm. It would be really good to hear my longarms running after such a long period of time. 

Plus, I have rambled enough. It's too hot outside to be out there. Loosey told me to chill in the house so that's what I'm doing. Hope everyone has a safe Saturday. Stay cool and keep stitching.


Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Terribly Frustrating Day!!!


Here I am trying to complete the Zoo quilt and Facebook has screwed up my personal account. They seem to think I don't know my password. Well, maybe I don't. However, they keep sending me an incorrect code to try to reset it. This has taken half of my time today and I don't have half of it to give away. 

So I am hoping this will get to my 'Friends'. 

I finished the frog this morning.

Now I am currently working on the Flamingo while trying to deal with facebook. 

If you have suggestions on how to actually handle this problem, feel free to email me with possible solutions. 



Friday, November 17, 2023


 My word!! How time flies!!!! Grab a glass of wine and spend a few minutes with One Loose Thread.

I just realized that I had not written a post since MAY!!!! Where have I been?!! What has been going on?!! Let's see if I can get up to date.

The first week of the month was taken up at the Heart Hospital with the heart cath and all that went along with it. I did post about that little adventure. After that I was back in forward motion because May Mester with One Loose Thread was coming up.

Luckily, I had almost everything ready for retreat except for the necessary printing of name tags, medical forms.... stuff like that. I was able to work in a trip to Charleston for a Cobblestone Guild meeting. I don't do that enough, but, do try to manage at least one meeting a year. May Mester was soooo much fun! I had us set up in two buildings. In the Chapel was our 'sit and sew' group under the watchful eye of Ma Whittle. I was with the group in the Ireland Room of Cole Lodge with Elsa Neubauer and lots of Judy Niemeyer papers for 'Carnival Flower'........... It was a very productive 4 days for all of us. Of course we all gathered together for meals (fabulous food!!) so it was almost as though we were all sewing in the same room as we did show and share of our progress. No classes are planned for May of 2024, however, I have a few things on my mind that I might try. More on that later.

June involved a graduation, a week at the beach, an engagement, and a birthday (mine).  During that time I did manage to get some client quilts completed. Hope to post all of those pictures very soon. Oh yes, also had new washer, dryer and oven installed. These were on my 2023 Goals List to get done this year.

So..... on to July!!!Finished up the scheduled custom quilt for Teresa Durden the first week. Had been working on that for 3 or 4 weeks. Met with some new quilting clients. Moderated a meeting of the SC Longarm Group and finished up several E2E quilting jobs for clients. Ordered tables for the One Loose Thread August retreat and started prep work for that. Took a class with Devine Quilters on a Sunflower pillow. 'Celebrated' a 1 year anniversary on the new knee (still doing PT twice a week and it's November). Submitted articles for the QSC newsletter.

Then we move to August. Well, Dick has not been with us now for 2 years and I still don't have a solid foundation under my feet. But, life goes on. Time for One Loose Thread Summer Retreat and I am soooo ready for it. It was hot, but all of the air conditioners were working so we stitched on. It was so much fun and a really good break for all of us. There really is something magical that happens when you drive through the gates of Camp Gravatt. My son and his wife celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary and my oldest granddaughter (Piper) turned 20. 

September just flew by with quilting for clients, meeting with guilds to talk about Quilters of SC, a meeting for the SC Longarm Group, Dr.'s appointments, and other misc. stuff. And then you turn around and....

It's October!! Time for Quilters of South Carolina retreat at the beach!!! This year I am the 'continuing' 'remedial' student on the 'Jack's Chain' quilt. I had started the quilt during Myrtle Beach Quilt Party in January 2022. I managed to get 2 rings done and a ton of 9-patches. So when I had the chance here to take Cindy's class again............ I did and managed to do a little more. I understand that slow and steady wins the race, but, this is ridiculous. All of these y-seams may do me in----or----I may just end up with a table runner instead of the king size quilt that I had planned. It really was a fun retreat. Met new people. Talked to people I had not seen in a year or years. Certainly had some great food. Love the location of the retreat as it is. Hope we can stay there for a few more years. Did manage to do more quilting for clients. Have 2 custom quilts in the works at this time.

Now it's November and time to work on finishing up this year. Fall retreat with One Loose Thread was small but mighty!!! We could not have asked for better weather! As usual, Gravatt did a wonderful job hosting us and we had a great time. Now it's time to look forward to February. Registration begins on December 1, 2023.

Today is Friday, November 17, 2023. I 'slipped' down I-26 to Harleyville to join the Low Country Longarm Group for their meeting today. Beautiful day for the drive and I-26 wasn't as crazy as usual. It was fun to see what they are working on and visit with some folks I had not seen in a while. The SC Longarm Group meets tomorrow and will be celebrating our 13th anniversary. Hard to believe it's been that long. My machines are running everyday working on client projects for Christmas. I still have some open time in the schedule for edge 2 edge quilting, but I imagine someone will call at the last minute and need a little help. I'm currently working on my 'Custom' schedule since we have a major quilt show in March. I also need to get a couple of my own quilts ready for that. I made a major decision this week and resigned all of my committee posts and a few other things so that I can really concentrate on One Loose Thread. I want to spend more time on client quilts, continuing education, and the One Loose Thread Retreats. After all, that's why I started One Loose Thread in the first place (and to help pay the grocery bill after retirement). So, I'm looking forward to being able to control my schedule a little better.

Thanksgiving will be here at my house. Dusty and his family will be here. Vickie and her family will be in the mountains of Georgia with the Sessions family. We are grilling steaks and saving the full turkey dinner for Christmas. I'll pull the 'Grinch' tree out of the closet and do a little decorating after that.  We plan on being here for Christmas dinner here too so I don't need to worry about travel.

On the One Loose Thread side of the calendar: I'll finish up all of the e2e that was promised for clients for Christmas, work on 2 small commission projects for clients and really load the machines for some heavy custom quilting between Christmas and New Years Eve. I'll try to keep you up to date on that on the One Loose Thread Quilting Facebook page. I'll be using both hand guided and computer assisted quilting on each piece.

I have my 2024 'GOALS' list written up. Some of it has to do with One Loose Thread Quilting, but, most of it has to do with things that need to be done here in/to the house, studio, and yard. Just a hint, there are 32 items on this list. Some are very small 'to do' and some will take several days to work out. But, this list can keep me on track. I hope.

That's it for now. My wine glass is empty and my recliner is calling me. Both of the dogs have passed out in the floor here in the studio, so must be time for some TV. 

I promise to get these quilt pictures uploaded very soon so that you can see that I did do 'some' work this year. Have a great evening!!!

Saturday, May 6, 2023

The Adventure Continues


Well, I'm home from the hospital. They released me Thursday afternoon once they had done the surgery on my wrist to alleviate the golf ball size bulge in the artery. Instructions not to work for several days (not weeks) but no heavy lifting for several weeks. My arm is really dark blue and the lower arm is sore and a little uncomfortable. I won't post pictures, 'cause it is UGLY!!! Taking Tylenol for this discomfort. Normally, I would have a few glasses of wine, but, I cut WAY back on that a month or two ago so that is not an option.

I have been relegated to my chair and the remote control. I mean, what do you do when you are a quilter and you are not allowed to use needle and thread or your machines? I am soooooooo bored!!! Reading quilting magazines and patterns doesn't help either. That just make me want to cut and sew fabric.

Cooper and Loosey are doing a really good job of 'watching Mom'. It is as though they have agreed to take turns. One stays with me while the other goes out, but right now, both of them are in the yard keeping watch over the property.

My next door neighbors, Alice and Charles, are feeding me so well, I'll have to start exercising to reduce the pounds that will be added. Both are awesome cooks and Alice brings over a tray like you would get at a B&B with a vase holding one of her beautiful roses. This is so appreciated and enjoyed by me.

I'm trying to do a little work to get ready for May Mester Retreat in just 10 days. I can't do the physical part, but I can get all of the paperwork completed. Pat will be here a day next week and we'll get everything else together. I am looking forward to 5 days at Camp Gravatt and starting a new Judy Neimeyer quilt, Carnival Flower. I will also be getting some help to figure out where I am on Bali Wedding Star. All of the arcs are finished, but not sure were to go from here.

Well, that's it for now. I'm off to my chair. I have used the DVR for the coronation, so will start watching that. 

Have a fabulous weekend!!!

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

My Adventures at Prisma Heart Hospital


This is still a journey and instead of trying to relate this to so many of my friends on facebook, I thought I would just tell you all about it right here.

About 15 years ago I had a stent placed in the coronary artery of my heart. We found out about the need when I became extremely short of breath while climbing a hill. My numbers were fabulous so, imagine our surprise when doing a heart cath at that time to discover that this stent was necessary. So, had that done and everything went beautifully. 

Fast forward to just a few weeks ago when I became extremely short of breath when climbing stairs to the Koger Center to attend a play. It was so bad that I was afraid I wasn't going to recover without EMS, but I did and was ok in about 20 minutes. That event let me know that I did need to see my cardiologist and ASAP. I scheduled an appointment and as soon as I started describing my concerns it was a definite yes for a heart cath. 

I checked into the Heart Hospital on Monday for the procedure. The procedure went just fine. I can't remember at this time if it was 2 stents or 3 placed on the same artery as the last, but we had no problems doing that. At the end of the procedure a pressure type of bracelet was placed over the surgical entry area. By the time they got me back to the recovery area my wrist was swelling and my hand was turning blue. The attempt was made to place a second 'bracelet' beside the first one, but that didn't help. I was bleeding into the tissue in my hand, wrist and arm. They took off both 'bracelets' and of course, I started gushing. The staff in recovery held manual pressure on the surgical site for almost 2 hours before the bleeding was finally under control.  I really admire the calm professional way that they handled this emergency. The end result was a very large hematoma on the wrist that was continuing to bulge. We kept the arm elevated over night, but swelling continued until late on Tuesday. (Naturally they admitted me)

We have petted and pampered the wrist and arm since Monday afternoon. Finally on Wednesday afternoon the decision was made to call in the Vascular Team. The hematoma had gotten to big to repair itself and surgery was going to be necessary. 

So, that's where I am now. Surgery on the wrist will happen late tomorrow morning and a repair on the artery will be made. As with any surgery there are risks, but it is to risky not to do it.

As with all of these things, it could not come at a worse time. I have a major retreat in 2 weeks, my custom and my 2e2 schedule is full and I won't be allowed to use this hand/wrist/arm for 4 to 6 weeks. I explained to the surgeon what I do for a living and he knows longarmers and said I cannot use those machines for 4-6 weeks.  Soooooooooooo, here we are. 

The quilt retreat WILL HAPPEN, because I have some wonderful helpers. If there is one thing I know about quilters, it is that they adapt. I 'might' be able to sew a little but I will be able to enjoy everyone's company. And I can't think of a better place to rest and recover than in the pines at Camp Gravatt.

I have very understanding clients who will allow me to push their quilts farther out. Then once I have healed, I will work on getting all of those quilts out first. So, please continue to bring your tops in and I'll put them in the line to be done as I go. 

That's where I am right now. I will be available by messenger, email, and text over the next few days. My family and friends are being very supportive and it's fabulous to have such a big circle around me. Please continue to keep me in your thoughts and prayers as they are soooo appreciated and they work. I'll get through this and be back stronger than ever. After all...... I have a birthday coming up!!!


Joyce---- One Very Loose Thread